Bulletin Inserts, Digital Slides, Music, and more.
There Is No Silent Night: A prayer calling us to meet the Christ-child and change the world this Advent season, by Moderator Richard Bott.
Braiding Reconciliation: A prayer to mark the 20th anniversary of the United Church Apology to Former Students of United Church Indian Residential Schools, and to Their…
Memorial Prayer for Children of This Land: A prayer for the launch of the memorial register honouring children who died at residential schools (TRC Call to Action 72) on September 30, 2019.
God of Hope and Love: An Advent prayer written for the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.
Break Us and Mold Us: A prayer for the renewal of the church by the Rev. Karlene Brown-Palmer, St. Paul’s United Church, Tillsonburg, Ontario.
That All May Be One: A prayer inspired by John 17:21 and based on The United Church of Canada’s “A New Creed” and the United Church of Christ’s “Statement of Faith (…
Now Mary Walked That Dusty Road: A prayer/song that can be sung to the tune of "Une Jeune Pucelle" (or "'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime"), by Moderator Richard Bott.
Thanksgiving Prayer: A prayer of thanksgiving from Celebrate God's Presence.
In Your Rising: A Lenten prayer from Why I Believe: Daily Devotions on Faith & Discipleship.
A Prayer for Those Who Struggle: We pray for those who struggle at this time of huge uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Light of the World: A prayer for Black History Month that laments the past but calls us to a brighter future.
Let Us Pray That All May Be One: A prayer offered for Rendez-vous participants, originally shared on October 18, 2015, in celebration of the full communion of The United…
Passion for Unity: A prayer for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Anti-Racism Prayer: A prayer asking for the courage to live the work of anti-racism every day, by the Right Rev. Richard Bott.
Prayer for Wet’suwet’en First Nation: A prayer for a peaceful resolution to the confrontation on the Wet’suwet’en First Nation in British Columbia by Moderator Richard Bott.
A Prayer for the Journey Home: A prayer offered as United Church youth, young adults, and leaders return home from the Rendez-vous gathering in Montreal.
Guide Us to the Sacred Waters : Please join the Aboriginal Ministries Circle in prayer as we try to address the systemic racism that continues to be upheld in systems that are meant…
In her Easter message, Moderator Carmen Lansdowne’s hope for the church is that we will know that even in our deepest grief the risen Christ will show up, call us by name, and remind us that this is not the end of our story.