God of all peoples,
Creator of a grand cosmos and tiny infants,
Source of nurture and creation,
you call us into relationship with each other.

We remain in our own judgment
when we turn away from those of us who suffer
in the midst of affluence and pandemic
and the struggle to survive.

Open us to the cries of others
and our hearts to your persuasive Spirit.
May we acknowledge the needs among us
and advocate for the fair distribution of resources.

May we learn the politics of justice and adequacy,
that we may act with justice,
love kindness, and walk with humility.

Today we remember all who struggle to survive.
We specifically hold in our hearts
low-income racialized communities,
who have experienced the most challenges with COVID.

We pray for our political leaders,
that they act with compassion
as they are asked to give leadership
to implement a guaranteed livable income.

Remind us, Holy Wisdom, that through your love
we encounter in each person, friend, or stranger
Christ’s light and love in the world.

Grant that we may promote the justice and acceptance
that enables peace, a true shalom.
Help us to remember that we are one world and one family.

Rev. Susan Eagle, Chair, Shining Waters Social and Ecological Justice Commission, with Barry Rieder, Jane Finch Community Ministry

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