As a faith organization and registered charity, we are committed to presenting our revenue from investment revenue and donations, and how that money is spent annually, with transparency and openness.

Thanks to your generosity, Mission and Service helps transform lives, inspire meaning and purpose, and build a better world in Canada and around the world. Find out how.

KAIROS is a joint venture ecumenical program administered by The United Church of Canada. Visit the KAIROS website for their annual reports.

Faithful Footprints is a United Church program to move the church into a leadership position in building energy efficiency and climate action. See Committed to Climate Action: The 2021-2022 Sustainability Report.

More Information

If you have questions about our statements or any aspect of our finances, please contact:

Harry Li
Executive Officer, Finance
416-231-7680 x2023
1-800-268-3781 x2023

Charitable Business No. 10810 2435 RR0003
