United Church theological schools across the country offer a variety of educational and training opportunities for everyone.

“Faith seeking understanding.” That is how Anselm, almost a thousand years ago, described his pursuit of a fuller understanding of God and the Christian faith. All of us who are people of faith engage in theological education to some degree—in a study group, by listening to a sermon (in person or online), by reading a book or attending a local presentation.
Eight United Church theological schools are spread across the country. Most of these schools offer programs for people seeking to become ministers. All of them have other offerings: you can attend a lecture, take a course, or pursue a degree to explore your faith. Our schools are a rich resource for members of the church. Have a look at what they offer.
Please see Downloads at the bottom of the page to learn more about individual schools.
Atlantic School of Theology (Halifax, NS)
Inspired learning for everyone, whether you are exploring an interest, updating your skills, or thinking about ordained ministry. Summer Distance MDiv students at the Atlantic School of Theology (AST) take classes online in the fall/winter terms, spend summer terms on our waterfront campus, and earn their MDiv degree in five years while serving in a supervised ministry setting. Generous bursaries are available for ministry candidates and other church members, thanks to Pine Hill Divinity Hall. Contact: Susan MacAlpine-Gillis, Recruitment and Vocations Coordinator (smacalpinegillis@astheology.ns.ca).
Centre for Christian Studies (Winnipeg, MB)
Imagine church differently! The Centre for Christian Studies (CCS) educates leaders for justice, compassion, and transformation. We are grounded in the tradition of diakonia and the practice of learning in community. Our educational approach is collaborative, practical, and flexible. We offer a diploma program in Diaconal Ministries and certificate programs in Social Justice, Spiritual Care, and Christian Education and Worship. Our students integrate local field education experience with lively and challenging themed learning circle intensives and with academic courses through our partner school. Our learning circles are open for continuing education participants, whether you are a minister wanting to deepen your skills or a lay person wanting to step up your faith-filled leadership. Follow Jesus into community and learn to build bridges between church and world. Learn more: What is the Centre for Christian Studies?
Emmanuel College (Toronto, ON)
Emmanuel College—where theological education meets the world! Discover a place where ideas of consequence are pursued with professors who will help you grow intellectually and spiritually; where dialogue and discussion thrive; and academic excellence, global awareness, and responsible public engagement are connected. Study with students who are preparing for leadership in diverse settings. If you are an inquirer or candidate for ministry in The United Church of Canada, you may qualify for a full-tuition scholarship through the John W. Billes Grant.

Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre (Beausejour, MB)
A place of spirit where both Indigenous traditional knowledge and ceremony and Christian spiritual beliefs are honoured. Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre (SSSC) fosters teachings of respect, healing, and relational connectedness for the benefit, balance, and wholeness of individuals, peoples, and all creation; uses a successful learning circle model of education developed over 33 years; and takes a community-centred, pragmatic approach to cross-cultural education.
St. Andrew’s College (Saskatoon, SK)
St. Andrew’s College offers theological study that is justice seeking, intimate, and ecumenical in an affirming and diverse community of learners and teachers, in partnership with the Saskatoon Theological Union. The STU is a consortium of three theological schools, including St. Andrew’s College (The United Church of Canada), the College of Emmanuel and St. Chad (Anglican Church of Canada), and the Lutheran Theological Seminary (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada). We offer:
- a three-year Master of Divinity program that meets the testamur requirements for ordained ministry in the United Church
- a two-year Master of Theological Studies program
- a Doctor of Ministry program, courses to meet United Church Admissions learning outcomes, and testamur requirements for ordination, occasional studies, audit opportunities, and a range of lifelong learning certificate options for leadership in the church, leadership in the world, and spiritual exploration
For more information please contact Recruitment Ambassador shawn.sanfordbeck@saskatoontheologicalunion.ca or 306-441-6367.
St. Stephen’s College (Edmonton, AB)
St. Stephen’s College is an affiliated degree-granting graduate college of the University of Alberta. We offer applied graduate degrees, diplomas, and certificates in Multifaith Theology, Psychotherapy, Art Therapy, and Spiritual Care. Students at St. Stephen’s study for leadership in a number of fields, including spiritually-informed psychotherapy, art therapy, spiritual care/chaplaincy, diaconal ministry, and many other vocational and non-traditional ministry contexts. St. Stephen’s is committed to educating the whole person. Faculty and students participate in learning that engages not just the mind but also the body, the spirit, and our social world. Our learning community consists of people from across faith traditions and worldviews, all of whom come together out of a common desire to integrate spirituality into their lives, their communities, and their professional practices. Values of openness, engagement, inquiry, and imagination are central to our educational pursuits.
United Church Studies at Montreal Dio/Études de l’Église Unie au Séminaire diocésain
Montreal Dio is a creative learning community that works in affiliation with McGill University to prepare people for ecumenical and intercultural Christian ministry. Dio is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools and is one of the theological colleges approved by The United Church of Canada to grant testamur on its behalf. We offer generous bursaries and scholarships to our students. Our pathways to ordination in the United Church are uniquely flexible. Whether you wish to study remotely or in person, whether you have a previous degree or not, whether you are seeking instruction in French or in English, we have a program that will help you fulfill the requirements for ordination. In addition, we offer stand-alone online open enrolment courses every semester, programs for United Church Admission Ministers and French licensed lay worship leadership, and a Certificate in Bilingual Ministry designed to strengthen francophone constituencies and deepen intercultural awareness.
Vancouver School of Theology (Vancouver, BC)
We are called to educate and form thoughtful, engaged, and generous Christian leaders for service to the church and the world. Theological education at Vancouver School of Theology (VST) combines the love of scholarship, courage to take up the issues of our time, and readiness to collaborate with our local and global neighbours for the good of God's world. Together with First Nations communities and other faith traditions, we engage issues of truth, justice, and spiritual growth. Also of interest: Indigenous Studies Program and Inter-Religious Studies Program.
- Learn More about Atlantic School of Theology 2021 (41.69 KB) (Word)
- Learn More about Centre for Christian Studies 2024 (30.83 KB) (Word)
- Learn More about Emmanuel College 2022 (31.89 KB) (Word)
- Learn More about Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre 2020 (29.04 KB) (Word)
- Learn More about United Church Studies at Montreal Dio 2024 (49.55 KB) (Word)
- Learn More about Vancouver School of Theology 2022 (33.72 KB) (Word)
- Saskatoon Theological Union Prospectus 2024 (1.4 MB) (PDF)
- United Church Theological Schools (Poster) (492.74 KB) (PDF)