We need your best photos!
We always need high-quality colour images of all kinds of subjects—United Churches, liturgical symbols, nature, and landscapes—for our annual, saleable bulletin covers and church calendar.
Bulletin Covers
Submissions for 2025–2026 are now closed, but don't let that stop you from taking photos throughout the year! Here are some ideas of what we're looking for.
- Christian life: images related to special Sundays and seasons such as Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Palm Sunday, Indigenous Day of Prayer, and Remembrance Day; crosses, communion elements, symbols of baptism. For Lent, landscapes that convey a "journey"—photos that include a path, road, river, etc.—work well.
- People: images that are universal and reflect diversity: hands breaking bread, praying, or lighting a candle; a person walking in the distance; a crowded sanctuary on Christmas Eve, and so on. Remember: If someone's face is clearly visible, you must get a signed release from them.
- Outdoor and indoor architectural details of United Churches: colourful windows, doors, steeples, banners, nativities, candles, etc.
- Images suitable for weddings and baptisms.
- Canadian landscapes (farms, lighthouses, beaches, people in nature), animals, birds, insects, trees, and flowers. We would love to see your winter photos, and more photos from western and eastern Canada, please!
We print a photographer credit on all bulletins and offer a $100 honorarium for each photo chosen.
Take a look at some of our current bulletin covers for an idea of how the photos are used.

Church Calendar
Submissions for the 2026 calendar are now closed. If you're considering submitting next year, here are some ideas.
- Interior shots: people at worship, a potluck or other church event, the choir singing, architectural details, altar displays, the communion table, a filled baptismal font, etc.
- Exterior shots of churches: not just church buildings but also community gardens, architectural details, greening projects, outdoor services, social justice events, etc. Remember to include winter, spring, and fall photos.
- We’d love to see more photos from Manitoba, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador please.
- If your photo shows anyone's face clearly, you must get a signed release from them.
We print a photographer credit and offer a $100 honorarium for each photo chosen, and we’ll send you a copy of the calendar once it’s printed.

- Make sure calendar photos are horizontal.
- Try to avoid distractions such as hydro wires, cars, microphones, etc. as much as possible.
- Submit high-resolution JPEG, TIFF, or PNG photos (2-8 MB) via our online form or mail them to us on a USB key accompanied by a contact sheet or colour printout, your contact information, and details about your photos.
- We can’t accept responsibility for lost or damaged prints or USB keys. Please send duplicates only, not originals.
- Call for Bulletin Photos 2025-2026 (350.02 KB) (PDF)
- Call for Calendar Photos 2026 (379.93 KB) (PDF)
- Sample Model Release (79.4 KB) (Word)