If you have any questions or concerns about these files, please e-mail info@united-church.ca.
The Manual and Related Resources
The Manual, 2025(1.52 MB)(PDF) The Manual of The United Church of Canada, 2025 edition, effective January 1, 2025.
Admission to the Order of Ministry Policy and Procedures (September 2019)(439.31 KB)(PDF) Outlines the process to support ministers from recognized denominations who are called to serve in The United Church of Canada. This resource provides an overall picture of the various parties involved in the process and their respective responsibilities.
Appeals (February 2022)(579.41 KB)(PDF) Rules of procedure, which must be followed, as well as best practices that provide advice and guidance. Updated Feb. 2022.
Candidacy Pathway: Roadmap (2024)(296.71 KB)(PDF) Checklists to follow and useful information on how to pursue the requirements of the Candidacy Pathway.
Community of Faith Reviews (January 2019)(543.08 KB)(PDF) Best practices for conducting a review in response to concerns that have been raised about a community of faith.
Congregational Designated Ministers (March 2020)(769.12 KB)(PDF) This resource expands on the policy under I.1.11, Lay Ministry, in The Manual. It is specifically for communities of faith that would like to create a lay ministry position accountable to the governing body of the community of faith, and for baptized lay people who are considering appointment to congregational accountable positions. This revised version adds "Musician" to the competencies on pages 20-21.
Dispute Resolution (January 2019)(353.74 KB)(PDF) The United Church's Dispute Resolution Policy, annotated with guidance on best practices, and accompanying forms. Effective January 1, 2019.
Financial Handbook for Congregations 2017(1.75 MB)(PDF) This handbook includes resources and information for church leaders and treasurers on a variety of current financial and legal issues. Note: Chapter 4: Paying Staff has been revised separately for 2019--see the Pastoral Charge Payroll page for the revised chapter. In July 2017 section 4.22.1 was revised to include acquiring spiritual direction in CELR. In Jan. 2018 the first bullet in section 6.7.1 was revised to say a minimum of two years.
Formal Hearings (February 2020)(353.44 KB)(PDF) This resource contains the Rules of Procedure for Formal Hearings, which must be followed, as well as best practices that provide advice and guidance on ways to live out mandatory policies and procedures. Reflects the restructuring of the United Church that came into effect on January 1, 2019.
Incorporated Ministries Policy (March 2025)(290.89 KB)(PDF) Policy document for groups that are incorporated and maintain a relationship with The United Church of Canada (March 2025).
Ministry Personnel Reviews (January 2019)(473.67 KB)(PDF) Best practices for conducting a review in response to concerns that have been raised about a ministry personnel.
Model Trust Deed(56.05 KB)(PDF) And it is hereby declared that the said Trustees and their successors or the Trustee or Trustees for the time being acting in the trusts herein shall hold the said lands upon the following trusts...
Pastoral Relations: Guidelines for a Community of Faith Profile (April 2020)(1.34 MB)(PDF) Best practices and guidance on how to live out mandatory policies and procedures found under I. Pastoral Relations in The Manual and in Pastoral Relations: Policy for a Community of Faith. NB: In April 2020 a correction was made to page 5, fifth bullet in box.
Pastoral Relations: Guidelines for Search and Selection (April 2020)(1.46 MB)(PDF) Recommended ways to live out mandatory policies and procedures found under I. Pastoral Relations in The Manual and within Pastoral Relations: Policy for a Community of Faith. NB: In April 2020 a correction was made to page 11, fifth bullet in first box.
Pastoral Relations: Ministry Personnel (December 2019)(1.36 MB)(PDF) Expands on the policy found under I. Pastoral Relations in The Manual; specifically for ministry personnel who are starting, changing, or ending a pastoral relationship.
Pastoral Relations: Policy for a Community of Faith (April 2020)(851.59 KB)(PDF) Resource expanding on the policy found under I. Pastoral Relations in The Manual, specifically for communities of faith that are starting, changing, or ending a pastoral relationship. NB: In April 2020 a correction was made to page 13, fifth bullet in box.
Pastoral Relations: Regional Council Liaisons (January 2020)(739.22 KB)(PDF) Expands on the policy found under I. Pastoral Relations in The Manual; specifically for a liaison from the regional council to guide communities of faith in the new pastoral relations process.
Sacraments Elders (January 2020)(498.73 KB)(PDF) Expands on the policy about sacraments elders found in the Pastoral Relations section of The Manual.
Camping Standards 2022(485.96 KB)(PDF) Standards to ensure safe and high-quality camping at United Church camps and to help camps achieve accreditation.
Community Ministry Standards and Best Practices(300.41 KB)(PDF) This 2007 handbook outlines administrative standards and best practices to help community and social justice ministries in designing and delivering programs.
Community Ministry Standards: Self-Assessment Tool(87.15 KB)(PDF) The purpose of this self-assessment tool is to find out where United Church community ministries are in the preparation process and common areas where help may be needed, and to help us develop a visit schedule starting in 2010. It is also a self-check for ministries to determine where they are in the preparation process.
Incorporated Ministries Guidelines (February 2019)(129.16 KB)(PDF) Guidelines for those considering incorporation or existing corporations contemplating a change in their relationship with the church. Replaces the Incorporated Ministries Resource Guide (2014). These should be read in conjunction with the Incorporated Ministries Policy.
Incorporated Ministries Policy (March 2025)(290.89 KB)(PDF) Policy document for groups that are incorporated and maintain a relationship with The United Church of Canada (March 2025).
Seniors' Facilities Standards(362.18 KB)(PDF) The Seniors' Facilities Standards are an integral part of the duty of care exercised by those providing care or housing for seniors.
Seniors' Facilities Standards: Self-Assessment Tool(140.7 KB)(PDF) This self-assessment tool (pages 13–29 of the Standards handbook) will be useful to United Church seniors' facilities as they prepare for an accreditation visit.
The United Church of Canada Emergency Plan (Mar 2020)(550.66 KB)(PDF) This denominational plan includes protocols for the General Council Office, regional councils, and communities of faith. We encourage you to review and adapt these guidelines for your local context.
Privacy Issues: Recordkeeping and Archives(165.29 KB)(PDF) A guide to identifying which records contain personal information and how this information should be used and managed to protect people’s privacy.
Replacement of Historical Documents after Gender Transition(398.92 KB)(PDF) Procedures for replacing historical documents such as ordination, commissioning, and baptismal certificates when requested by an individual who claims a new gender identity and changes names.
Celebrating Gender Diversity (2019)(819.03 KB)(PDF) The United Church of Canada's toolkit on gender identity and trans experiences for communities of faith.
Code of Ethics for Youth Ministry(247.78 KB)(PDF) A guide for education, training, screening and accountability for paid staff, volunteers, and those responsible for oversight of youth ministry.
United Church Women (UCW) Guidelines(861 KB)(PDF) Constitution, Guidelines, Policies, and Resources for United Church Women, revised March 2018.
Vision for Becoming an Intercultural Church(105.87 KB)(PDF) A plain language revision of the “Vision for Becoming an Intercultural Church,” which was adopted at the GCE in October 2012.
Candidacy Pathway: Roadmap (2024)(296.71 KB)(PDF) Checklists to follow and useful information on how to pursue the requirements of the Candidacy Pathway.
2023 Premiums and Taxable Benefits Calculator(29.89 KB)(Excel) Spreadsheet with embedded calculations to assist treasurers determine the deduction amounts for United Church payroll.
2024 Premiums and Taxable Benefits Calculator(30.99 KB)(Excel) Spreadsheet with embedded calculations to assist treasurers determine the deduction amounts for United Church payroll.
2025 Premiums and Taxable Benefits Calculator(30.91 KB)(Excel) Spreadsheet with embedded calculations to assist treasurers determine the deduction amounts for United Church payroll.
Financial Handbook for Congregations 2017(1.75 MB)(PDF) This handbook includes resources and information for church leaders and treasurers on a variety of current financial and legal issues. Note: Chapter 4: Paying Staff has been revised separately for 2019--see the Pastoral Charge Payroll page for the revised chapter. In July 2017 section 4.22.1 was revised to include acquiring spiritual direction in CELR. In Jan. 2018 the first bullet in section 6.7.1 was revised to say a minimum of two years.
The United Church of Canada Emergency Plan (Mar 2020)(550.66 KB)(PDF) This denominational plan includes protocols for the General Council Office, regional councils, and communities of faith. We encourage you to review and adapt these guidelines for your local context.
Trustworthy Care: Helping Organizations Provide Safe Service(77.15 KB)(PDF) Recommended Screening Procedures for Use in Camps, Residences, Service Organizations, Outreach Ministries, and Other Ministries Associated with The United Church of Canada
Ministry Personnel: Standards of Conduct
Code of Ethics for Youth Ministry(247.78 KB)(PDF) A guide for education, training, screening and accountability for paid staff, volunteers, and those responsible for oversight of youth ministry.
Guidelines for Counselling by Ministry Personnel(171.34 KB)(PDF) These guidelines are meant to assist ministry personnel with discerning how best to proceed when called into a counselling role that goes beyond regular pastoral care, guidance, and support.
Admission to the Order of Ministry Policy and Procedures (September 2019)(439.31 KB)(PDF) Outlines the process to support ministers from recognized denominations who are called to serve in The United Church of Canada. This resource provides an overall picture of the various parties involved in the process and their respective responsibilities.
Congregational Designated Ministers (March 2020)(769.12 KB)(PDF) This resource expands on the policy under I.1.11, Lay Ministry, in The Manual. It is specifically for communities of faith that would like to create a lay ministry position accountable to the governing body of the community of faith, and for baptized lay people who are considering appointment to congregational accountable positions. This revised version adds "Musician" to the competencies on pages 20-21.
Pastoral Relations: Guidelines for a Community of Faith Profile (April 2020)(1.34 MB)(PDF) Best practices and guidance on how to live out mandatory policies and procedures found under I. Pastoral Relations in The Manual and in Pastoral Relations: Policy for a Community of Faith. NB: In April 2020 a correction was made to page 5, fifth bullet in box.
Pastoral Relations: Guidelines for Search and Selection (April 2020)(1.46 MB)(PDF) Recommended ways to live out mandatory policies and procedures found under I. Pastoral Relations in The Manual and within Pastoral Relations: Policy for a Community of Faith. NB: In April 2020 a correction was made to page 11, fifth bullet in first box.
Pastoral Relations: Ministry Personnel (December 2019)(1.36 MB)(PDF) Expands on the policy found under I. Pastoral Relations in The Manual; specifically for ministry personnel who are starting, changing, or ending a pastoral relationship.
Pastoral Relations: Policy for a Community of Faith (April 2020)(851.59 KB)(PDF) Resource expanding on the policy found under I. Pastoral Relations in The Manual, specifically for communities of faith that are starting, changing, or ending a pastoral relationship. NB: In April 2020 a correction was made to page 13, fifth bullet in box.
Pastoral Relations: Regional Council Liaisons (January 2020)(739.22 KB)(PDF) Expands on the policy found under I. Pastoral Relations in The Manual; specifically for a liaison from the regional council to guide communities of faith in the new pastoral relations process.
Celebrating Gender Diversity (2019)(819.03 KB)(PDF) The United Church of Canada's toolkit on gender identity and trans experiences for communities of faith.
Human Resources Policy Manual(1.04 MB)(PDF) These policies have been developed for staff of the General Council Office and regional councils of The United Church of Canada.
Reporting Suspected Wrongdoing (Whistleblowing)(58.6 KB)(PDF) Reporting system that can be used by anyone to raise concerns about suspected wrongdoing by General Council or regional council staff.