Back In Time For Church -- March 30th:
Experience an adventure of the century through Back In Time For Church, where you will re-visit 100 years of the United Church of…
Your voice counts with our elected officials! Learn how to use it most effectively in raising your and UCC partners’ concerns. Share strategies to build community for…
Join Moderator Carmen Lansdowne and special guest Lori Ransom, Reconciliation and Indigenous Justice Animator, Indigenous Ministries and Justice for The United Church…
A number of churches within and neighbouring the Scarborough area are gathering to celebrate the United Church's 100th Anniversary by organizing a Dinner/Dance at the…
Grand Celebration: 100th Anniversary Worship and Community Party. A gathering of all United Church communities of faith and our chaplaincy from across Prince Edward…
Port Elgin United Church is planning a Sunday afternoon drive of congregants visiting closed and open churches with some classic cars participating to add to the…