Subscribe to our e-newsletters to receive regular updates

Subscribe to our newsletters and stay informed about the latest information and initiatives from The United Church of Canada. There are a variety of newsletters to choose from, each highlighting different areas of the church’s ministries and work.

Anti-Racism Newsletter

Keep up to date with The United Church of Canada's work to become an anti-racist church. Subscribe to this newsletter for news, information, and resources for groups and individuals focused on the 40 Days of Engagement on Anti-Racist (annually in the fall) and throughout the year.

Centennial Newsletter

Explore the rich history of The United Church of Canada through images and video from our archives. Learn more about our history of bold discipleship, daring justice and deep spirituality.  Published monthly!


E-ssentials e-newsletter offers all the “essential” news from The United Church of Canada, including updates on events, campaigns, social action, worship resources, and more from the General Council Office and beyond. Published weekly!

God's Mission, Our Gifts 

This regular update from the United Church's Philanthropy team includes tips for fundraising, new initiatives, Mission and Service stories, and more. Sent about once a month.

Living into Right Relations

Monthly Reconciliation and Indigenous Justice News from The United Church of Canada.

United Church Bookstore News 

Each month, this newsletter brings you the latest news and exclusive promotions from our bookstore, Find out about upcoming United Church publications and take advantage of special sales available only to subscribers. New newsletter subscribers will receive 10% off their first order!

United in Learning News 

United in Learning News offers information about upcoming webinars, programs, and online learning opportunities. Whether you're clergy or lay, whether you have years of experience under your belt, or you've just joined your first committee, we have ways to connect you with like-minded people across the country to help make your church more vibrant, exciting, and alive. Sent out twice per month.

Network Updates

Sign up to receive email updates about other areas of United Church work and ministry, news from variety of church networks and clusters, and more.

Concerned for Climate Justice

Receive updates on resources, actions and opportunities to learn more and promote climate justice.

Guaranteed Livable Income Updates

Sign up for news and information about resources, actions, and opportunities to learn more and advocate for a Guaranteed Livable Income.

Refugee Sponsorship News

News about United Church work to help sponsor refugees, updates about sponsorship policies and procedures, and stories from refugee sponsorship groups about their experience helping to settle newcomers in Canada.

United Action for Justice

The United Action for Justice e-newsletter focuses on the justice work of the church. It shares worship and education resources, as well as news from church ministries, networks, and partners, including how they are taking action locally and globally.

ChurchHub Members

Are you a ChurchHub member? Be sure to keep your email and those of your Community of Faith officers up-to-date there to ensure you receive important updates from the General Council and Regional Councils.