“As Christians, we must root out fear, and commit to … practices that help us to ground our actions … in love.” — former Moderator Jordan Cantwell

The United Church is committed to becoming an anti-racist church through a continuous struggle against racism. Find out more about this commitment, including how your community of faith can get involved in worship, study, and reflection.

10 Additional Ways to Work Towards Anti-Racism

On March 21, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and every day there are many practical ways to work towards anti-racism.

After Black History Month, What Now?

How one United Church community of faith is responding to Black Lives Matter.

Fighting Racism at Home and Abroad: Adele Halliday’s Work

YGM 2023: February 5. Your gifts to Mission & Service support educational initiatives, programs, and partners that work hard to dismantle racism.

Anti-Racism App Developed by Young Adults Set to Launch

YGM 2022: December 11. Your generosity through Mission & Service supports the leadership of young adults like Jonisha Lewinson who are actively… continue reading

Leadership Counts: Who Are Our Committee Members?

We’re already seeing interesting trends in the data received from Leadership Counts, the voluntary identity survey of United Church leaders.

Emancipated, But Still Not Free

Rev. Dr. Paul Douglas Walfall celebrates Emancipation Day, while acknowledging Black people's fight for freedom continues to this day.

Prayers for Healing, Comfort, and Anti-Racist Action

While it may be tempting to distance the attacks in the US as extreme events taking place solely there, the realities of racism are also ever-present… continue reading

10 Ways to Work Towards Anti-Racism

March 21 is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. However, the struggle against racism is a continuous effort.… continue reading

Opposing Symbols of Hate in Protests

Committing to becoming an actively anti-racist church includes intentionally opposing signs and systems of racism whenever they are displayed in the… continue reading

Fresh Off the Boat

Ariel Siagan raises awareness about the situation of Filipino migrant workers in Canada and calls on the church to respond.