Learn what the United Church and our ecumenical partners are doing around anti-racism work, and how you might be engaged.

Open hands mural
Credit: Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Anti-Racism Video Series

The United Church has released a video series on becoming an anti-racist church. The series, available on YouTube, features four United Church leaders. One video explores the realities of being a church that is rooted in racism, while another focuses on theology and faith. Additional videos will become available; accompanying study questions will also follow.

Policies and Background Documents

The United Church has a number of policies and background documents on anti-racism:

Ongoing United Church Work

Learn more about United Church racial justice training and our work on reconciliation and Indigenous justiceinterfaith relations, and interculturalism.

Ecumenical Partners

For More Information

Adele Halliday
Anti-Racism and Equity Lead
416-231-7680 x2756
1-800-268-3781 x2756
