Protecting Love around the World: Michael Blair’s Work

Published On: December 20, 2022

YGM 2023: May 7. The United Church of Canada recognizes that all love―including Two Spirit or LGBTQIA+ relationships―is holy and blessed by God. But those rights do not exist in many parts of the world today.

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Fighting Racism at Home and Abroad: Adele Halliday’s Work

Published On: December 20, 2022

YGM 2023: February 5. Your gifts to Mission & Service support educational initiatives, programs, and partners that work hard to dismantle racism.

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Educating the Ministers of Tomorrow: Jennifer Janzen-Ball’s Work

Published On: December 20, 2022

YGM 2023: March 19. Mission & Service does a surprising amount of development in your local church, recruiting new ministers and funding theological schools. It even shapes the hymn books you sing from every service.

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Making a Home for Refugees: ChrisAnn Alvarez’s Work

Published On: December 20, 2022

MandS 2023: August 27. “There’s this huge misconception that refugees choose to be refugees,” says ChrisAnn Alvarez, Refugee Support at The United Church of Canada. “It’s not a choice. It’s something they’re forced into.”

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Real-Time Relief Really Makes a World of Difference: Thivan Hoang’s Work

Published On: December 20, 2022

YGM 2023: April 23. At a time when it feels like there’s a new crisis confronting us each and every day, it’s reassuring to know that Mission & Service partners provide real-time relief around the world on a daily basis.

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The Path toward Healing: Murray Pruden’s Work

Published On: December 20, 2022

YGM 2023: June 18. Supported by Mission & Service, the Rev. Murray Pruden has made significant gains in building relationships of trust and healing between the church and Indigenous communities.

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Working with Young Leaders: Amy Crawford’s Work

Published On: December 20, 2022

YGM 2023: July 9. Amy Crawford has been doing ministry with youth and young adults for almost 30 years, and she’s never been more excited about the future for youth leadership in the church.

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A Mission & Service Christmas Message

Published On: November 3, 2022

YGM 2022: December 25. May God’s wonder and grace enfold you and those you love this Christmas season.

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Your Generosity Supports Life-Changing Arts Programs for Children

Published On: November 3, 2022

YGM 2022: December 18. For hundreds of children in Colombia, arts programs supported through your Mission & Service gifts teach children about their rights, give them an opportunity to express themselves, and promote peace-making and gender justice.

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Anti-Racism App Developed by Young Adults Set to Launch

Published On: November 3, 2022

YGM 2022: December 11. Your generosity through Mission & Service supports the leadership of young adults like Jonisha Lewinson who are actively using their talent and skill to change our world for the better. Thank you!

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