Our faithful and lively congregations are key witnesses to God's inclusive love in the world.

What We Believe
Our congregations are communities that change lives. When we support and strengthen our congregations for ministry, their radical hospitality reverberates in their communities and beyond. They are key witnesses to God's inclusive love in the world.
Faithful and Lively Congregations
Invigorate your congregation’s ministry and mission by deepening your understanding of belonging, hospitality, compassion, witness, and hope. These resources can help your congregation faithfully and vibrantly live out God’s mission.
- Open to the Spirit: This resource with accompanying online videos can help you discover the traits of faithful and lively congregations in times of challenge and change.
- EDGE: A Network for Ministry Development: The EDGE network of consultants works with United Church congregations and other ministries in the areas of new ministry development, renewing ministries, visioning, real estate and property, new ideas and innovation, responding to crises, and stories of celebration.
- United Fresh Start: An educational program for ministry personnel and lay leaders serving congregations that are in transition.
- ChurchNext offers online Christian learning from experts with courses on a broad range of topics. Some examples: “What Vibrant Congregations Do,” “Radical Welcoming,” “How to Run a Vacation Bible School,” “Welcoming Visitors,” and more!
- Alban at Duke Divinity School helps leaders connect and learn from one another by sharing practical wisdom, stories of thriving congregations and transformational models of ministry. In-person and online learning opportunities are offered.
Action and Advocacy
Our faith is a living faith—a public witness to the ministry of Jesus Christ expressed in active, thoughtful involvement in society. Our combined voices and actions have greater impact when we work together.
Some ways congregations can get involved:
- Consider sponsoring a refugee.
- Act now on a variety of timely justice issues.
- Get involved in our ongoing justice campaigns.
- Find out how United Church ministries work to eradicate poverty.
More Resources and Links for Congregations
- Worship: Resources for your worshipping community Sunday by Sunday throughout the year, as well as themes and special days.
- Intercultural Ministries: Becoming an intercultural church is an exciting process of Spirit-led questioning, experimenting, and mutual learning. When we affirm and welcome a variety of expressions of faith, it deepens our understanding of God and of each other.
- Youth and Young Adults: Children, youth, and young adults are valued members of our faith communities, with much to give and to receive.
- United Church Women: For more than five decades, United Church Women (UCW) have been the “hands and feet” of the church.
- Stewardship Toolkit: A growing online library of stewardship resources developed for and by congregational and community leaders of the United Church.
- Use our locator to find a United Church congregation near you.