MandS 2023: December 24. For Mission and Service partner London Community Chaplaincy, bringing joy and community-building fun to the social housing complexes they serve goes hand-in-hand with creating and sustaining traditions.
MandS 2023: December 3. Your gifts to Mission and Service support partners like MECC as they help children and families rebuild and recover in the wake of disaster.
MandS 2023: November 19. Since 1950, the Joint Christian Committee for Social Service has provided skills training and services to refugees living in a refugee camp in Lebanon.
MandS 2023: November 12. Every act of compassion contributes to a more peaceful world. Thank you for your generosity through Mission and Service. Your gifts truly do help move mountains.
MandS 2023: November 5. From October 10 to December 1, 2023, the 40 Days of Engagement on Anti-Racism program offers daily and weekly opportunities for learning, reflection, and action.
MandS 2023: October 29. The Rev. B. Silpa Rani is the recipient of a theological education scholarship, which has paved her way forward to eventually join the faculty at Bishop’s College, Kolkata.