Cash Assistance program has been life-changing for families.

In February 2023, just one year ago, earthquakes left people in parts of Türkiye and Syria facing the devastating loss of their loved ones, homes, and communities.
Today, those same people are still facing the ongoing impact of the disaster. On top of difficulties with accessing basic needs and medical care, there remains an economic crisis. The costs of fuel and basic commodities have doubled, and in some cases tripled.
Mission and Service partner the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) has been providing ongoing help to people living in the aftermath of the earthquakes. A Cash Assistance program has been life-changing for families, especially those who do not have a steady or fixed income.
Even the smallest amount can provide a family with a significant boost. Whether it is making house or rent payments, covering the cost of a medication, or being able to afford groceries, Mission and Service partners are there to provide support.
Your gifts to Mission and Service extend a loving hand of peace and warmth to those in need as they live through the worst crisis of their lives. Thank you for your generosity.