Third Level Menu 100 Years of Deep, Bold, Daring June 10, 2025, will mark the United Church’s 100th anniversary—an opportunity to honour our past and look to the future! Centennial Toolkit A toolkit for communities of faith honouring the United Church's Centennial. Events and Webinars A list of upcoming United Church sponsored events and webinars Job and Volunteer Opportunities View a list of our current job, volunteer and partner opportunities. Community of Faith Stewardship Responding to God’s generous love by sharing all we have: that is the life of a disciple and faithful steward. Encouraging Generosity in Your Community of Faith Growing generosity as a spiritual practice needs an investment of time and energy. Called to Be the Church: The Journey is a comprehensive approach to stewardship training, offering tailored and topical modules with coaching and ongoing support. Set Up a Planned Giving Program Get help to set up a Planned Giving program so that your community of faith can benefit from gifts from your donors’ estates or savings. Stewardship Worship Resources Full liturgies, sermons, offering resources, and more Managing Gifts How you receive, invest, and manage the financial resources of your community of faith is not only a way of living out your faith and your calling, but it can also directly affect a donor’s willingness to give. Get the Stewardship Support You Need Stewardship staff and resources to help communities of faith succeed. Explore Your Faith at a United Church Theological School United Church theological schools across the country offer a variety of educational and training opportunities for everyone. Faith and Politics Ideas for getting involved in civic engagement and information on what faith has to do with politics. Join in a Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace Join with people from around the world in the World Council of Churches’ Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. Mission and Service Learn how together we transform and save lives, inspire meaning and purpose, and build a better world through Mission and Service. What Is Mission and Service? What is Mission and Service, what does it do, and how can you give? Mission and Service Stories (formerly Minutes for Mission) Meet United Church generosity in action through stories you can share in person or on social media. Mission and Service: Did You Know? Frequently asked questions—and answers—about Mission and Service. Mission and Service Volunteer Program Mission and Service volunteers are people who are ready to spread the word about the great work that’s being done by the United Church of Canada through Mission and Service. 2023 Accountability Report An overview of Mission and Service givings for 2023. Connect with Mission and Service Connect with us online, view photos and videos, and subscribe to our e-newsletter. Your Impact: Easter 2025 Like spring flowers, we emerge ready to celebrate God’s love! People in Partnership The People in Partnership program enables United Church people and global partners to encounter each other, accompany each other in God’s mission, and learn more about each other’s contexts. Pilgrims in Mission Do you or your community feel called to a short-term global or intercultural faith experience? Companions in Mission Do you feel called to accompany and be witness to the mission work of a global partner (1- to 24-month appointments)? Co-workers in Mission Do you feel called to share your skills and gifts with global partners and their communities (two-year appointments or more)? Learners in Mission Do you feel called to an internship experience or a sabbatical abroad? Invite a Speaker Is your Community of Faith interested in hearing about the work of the global church firsthand? Invite a speaker! Share Your Discipleship Story Share your unique discipleship journey! Submit Your Photos Information on submitting photos for the United Church Calendar and church bulletins. Ways to Give Your gift will transform and save lives, inspire meaning and purpose, and build a better world. Check out the ways you can direct your gift to make the impact you want. Giving Opportunities Check out the ways you can direct your gift to make the impact you want. Giving Monthly through PAR You can ensure that your community of faith and those who are helped through Mission and Service can count on your support by giving monthly through Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR). Giving through Your Estate Plan now to make a gift in the future for the work of the church, such as a bequest in your will or a gift of life insurance.