Helping transform lives.
Inspiring meaning and purpose.
Building a better world.
Moving Forward

In so many ways, 2023 felt like a beginning. With widespread vaccinations and health authorities lifting restrictions, life began to seem more normal. In-person church services happened again, without masks. Supply chains started to recover from the massive shocks that the Ukraine war and other conflicts had caused. And midway through the year, there was some cautious optimism.
Unfortunately, as is so often the case, new natural disasters occurred. Floods, droughts, and wildfires became more common. Conflict erupted between Israel and Hamas, resulting in ongoing warfare. And the list continues.
Through it all, you, the people of The United Church of Canada, continued to care and to make a difference. In 2023 Mission and Service givings totalled $20.84 million with bequests, other planned gifts, and emergency appeals, bringing the total donations for our shared work to just over $24 million.
This accountability report will show where your gifts were used and what a difference they made. We have included a few of the many stories of hope, compassion, and healing that your generosity provided. People of faith are sustained by stories such as these. We hope that you read them and recognize the part you have played in transforming lives, inspiring meaning and purpose, and building a better world—the world God wants for all our relations.

Our Work Together in 2023
2023 was a year with many challenges. In Canada inflation, wildfires, increasing secularization, and a rise in homelessness and food insecurity faced us all. Globally, climate change, ongoing and new conflicts, and natural disasters occurred with disturbing frequency. It is a credit to all of you that, throughout the year, communities of faith continued to support those in need both locally and around the world.
In 2023, Mission and Service provided grants both globally and across Canada, including $180,000 to each of the United Church Regional Councils for local initiatives.
This Past Year We Committed...
Just over $24 million to support those in need in Canada and around the world.

75% of funds spent within Canada

25% of funds spent overseas
In 2024, we are reporting the 2023 results in alignment with the Strategic Plan Objectives. These are the ways your United Church of Canada is moving forward into the future.
29% Embolden Justice: Collaborating to Mend Church and World
Make meaningful collective progress on Indigenous justice, racial equity, and Two Spirit or LGBTQIA+ rights both in the church and world, while demonstrably deepening bold effective solidarity on other justice issues, through ecumenical collaboration and denominational networking.
25% Invigorate Leadership: Adapting and Innovating for Bold Discipleship
Renew a vision of leadership based on the call of the denomination—deep spirituality, bold discipleship and daring justice—and align discernment, recruitment, training, and support of ordered and lay leadership, to this vision.
21% Journeying Indigenous Pathways: Forging Right Relations
Deepen Indigenization and healing in The United Church of Canada towards self-determination and the possibility of reconciliation.
18% Growth – Strengthen Invitation: Humility and Confidence in Sharing Faith
Develop and implement effective and connected regional and national strategies that result in growth within existing ministries, and by seeding and sustaining new expressions of communities of faith.
4% Nurture the Common Good: Equity and Sustainability in Resources
Significantly increase denominational capacity and will to make decisions on properties and resources focused on the ministry of the whole church, enhancing equity, sustainability, right relations, and administrative efficiency and effectiveness.
3% Deepen Integrity: Living Climate Commitments
Amplify and integrate current initiatives in a bold, hopeful denominational climate strategy that accelerates reductions towards the goal of an 80% decrease in emissions by 2030
Learning, Teaching, and Loving
Helping a newcomer transition into Canada is a life-changing experience for everyone involved. From helping someone access health services, to sourcing Halloween costumes, to registering children for school and camp, every little bit helps.
Donna Nelson is no stranger to the hard and rewarding work that comes with welcoming someone to Canada. Read Donna’s story.
'United Churches are so well placed to support refugee families. We have both financial and community connections. It is a collaborative relationship— local congregations welcome families and provide the financial backing, and the national church helps with the bureaucracy. I am grateful to The United Church of Canada and Mission and Service for the support over the years.”

Rising above Tragedy to Transform Lives

Each year, the Asian Rural Institute (ARI), supported through your Mission and Service gifts, invites 25–30 grassroots rural leaders from Asia, Africa, and Latin America to learn sustainable agriculture techniques at their Rural Leaders Training Centre in Tochigi, Japan. Saidath Murorunkwere, a survivor of the Rwandan genocide, is one of ARI’s most recent graduates. Read Saidath’s story.
Nearly 40 percent of the population in my area lives in poverty. Small-scale farming is the major occupation, and I wanted to learn techniques and skills from ARI that I could share.”
Leading Generations
Becoming a parent or guardian is a complex experience that doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all answer. In London, Ontario, the London Community Chaplaincy responds to parents and guardians wishing to build support networks and develop new skills as they navigate raising children in a low-income setting. Read their story.
Each week London Community Chaplaincy provides a welcoming and safe social setting for adults to connect. Together, these parents are working hard to build a positive future for their children and families.

Your Generosity for Those Most Impacted by War

There were a growing number of conflicts in 2023. The Ukraine war has continued and is now in its third year with casualties in the tens of thousands and millions displaced. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas is threatening the lives of untold innocent civilians.
These are just two of the emergencies that have received relief thanks to your generosity. In 2023, $1.06 million was sent to our partners to help people whose lives have been destroyed by war and conflict. Families and children who are fleeing war are given food, clothing, shelter, medical supplies, and a place to be safe. This is what happens when Christian compassion is lived out.
Three Ways to Make a Gift


By Phone
Call 1-800-465-3771

By Mail
Mail a cheque:
The United Church of Canada
3250 Bloor St. West, Suite 200
Toronto ON M8X 2Y4
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