Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.

When the Toronto Pride Parade hits the streets on July 3, Rachel Lauren Clark will be marching and…

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Making a Pitch for Trans Awareness" href="/blogs/round-table/making-pitch-trans-awareness"> Emmuaneul student Rachel Lauren Clarke becomes first openly trans person to open a Major League Baseball game.

There was a sense of hope, and of moving forward, when on March 31 the United Church made a public statement on adopting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights…

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Being Good Relations" href="/blogs/round-table/being-good-relations-0"> UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as the road map to a new relationship.
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as the road map to a new relationship.
Being Good Relations" href="/blogs/round-table/being-good-relations"> UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as the road map to a new relationship.

At the Heart of Justice blog continues the focus on Health Care in Canada with a series by…

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Ensure Equal Access to Health Care" href="/blogs/round-table/ensure-equal-access-health-care"> It is time to do the right thing and ensure all people in Canada have access to the health care they need.

At the Heart of Justice blog continues the focus on health care in Canada with a series by Bill Blaikie, The United Church of Canada’s representative to the…

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A Call for Renewed Federal Leadership on Health Care" href="/blogs/round-table/call-renewed-federal-leadership-health-care"> Parliament Hill in Ottawa.
Many church ministries are going through a process to declare that they are Affirming—enabling the full participation of people of all sexual orientations and…
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Gender Identity in the Church" href="/blogs/round-table/gender-identity-church"> Portraits of presenters of the Gender Diversity series of webinars