Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.

Windsor / Detroit churches commemorate their connection to rum-running and the Underground Railroad.

Forgotten Church Histories Remembered" href="/blogs/round-table/forgotten-church-histories-remembered"> A statue commemorating the Underground Railroad in Windsor, Ontario.

I’ve travelled enough that I know it’s possible to find a feeling of home away from home. I mean real, authentic familiarity, not just a good friend’s place or a…

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My United Church Home" href="/blogs/round-table/my-united-church-home"> Trinity United Church in Deep Bright, Newfoundland.

Mission & Service helps support Kalobeyei, a community “that promotes self-reliance, builds up resilience, and seeks longer-term solutions for the South…

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Kenya 2017: Strength for the Journey" href="/blogs/round-table/kenya-2017-strength-journey"> A refugee family in Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya.

Mission & Service supports organizations working to nurture good relations between Christians and Muslims in Kenya and make it possible to work together for…

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Kenya 2017: Building Christian-Muslim Relationships" href="/blogs/round-table/kenya-2017-building-christian-muslim-relationships"> The Mission & Service pilgrimage group on a visit to Jamia Mosque in Nairobi, Kenya.

I am excited to visit Colombia, to see how the generosity of United Church members is improving lives in a country my mother lived in almost 90 years ago.

Note from Nora: Travelling in my Mother's Footsteps." href="/blogs/round-table/note-nora-travelling-my-mothers-footsteps"> The mother for General Secretary Nora Sanders (closest to the front of the donkey) rides a donkey in Colombia, circa 1920.

Mission & Service helps support churches and organizations in Kenya that are defeating discrimination against LGBTQ+ people by living out the gospel…

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Kenya 2017: Rising to the Challenge" href="/blogs/round-table/kenya-2017-rising-challenge"> Three members of Pembizo Christian Council, Africa smiling.

Through Mission & Service, we walk in solidarity and empower the work of love in Kenya.

Kenya 2017: Love Reconciles" href="/blogs/round-table/kenya-2017-love-reconciles"> A view of gardens in Kenya during the Mission & Service pilgrimage.

I was sitting in the basement at Windermere United in Toronto on a dreary Sunday afternoon. I felt…

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Finding our Place in Indigenous History" href="/blogs/round-table/finding-our-place-indigenous-history"> The KAIROS blanket exercise powerfully shows how settlers took away land—and with it, rights and dignity—from Indigenous peoples.

Doves have been an important symbol of peace for Christians since early biblical times. In 1944, when the…

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The Dove at “3250”" href="/blogs/round-table/dove-3250"> The shape of a dove can be seen in the Church House floor plan.

Moderator Jordan Cantwell urges everyone to watch and share this powerful three-minute video, “

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Letter to a Terrorist" href="/blogs/round-table/letter-terrorist">