It is an exciting time to be a student at Mission & Service supported Jerusalem Girls Secondary School in Kenya... a time to discover you belong only to yourself…
It is an exciting time to be a student at Mission & Service supported Jerusalem Girls Secondary School in Kenya... a time to discover you belong only to yourself…
With the support of KAACR and Mission & Service, Kenyan youth believe in themselves and know that they have rights.
Mission & Service supports church and small farm partnerships to help share best practices and collaborative work relationships in Kenya.
Windsor / Detroit churches commemorate their connection to rum-running and the Underground Railroad.
I’ve travelled enough that I know it’s possible to find a feeling of home away from home. I mean real, authentic familiarity, not just a good friend’s place or a…
Mission & Service helps support Kalobeyei, a community “that promotes self-reliance, builds up resilience, and seeks longer-term solutions for the South…
Mission & Service supports organizations working to nurture good relations between Christians and Muslims in Kenya and make it possible to work together for…
I am excited to visit Colombia, to see how the generosity of United Church members is improving lives in a country my mother lived in almost 90 years ago.
Mission & Service helps support churches and organizations in Kenya that are defeating discrimination against LGBTQ+ people by living out the gospel…
Through Mission & Service, we walk in solidarity and empower the work of love in Kenya.