Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.

In the dark hours before sunrise, United Church minister Rev. Al drives through downtown Victoria greeting the city’s street community. He welcomes them with hot…

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Toward a Canada without Poverty" href="/blogs/round-table/toward-canada-without-poverty"> Shaping a new Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy by taking action.

As part of her commitment to reconciliation and reaching out to Indigenous communities, Moderator Jordan Cantwell recently travelled to Manitoba, then British…

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Lessons in Gratitude, and Reconciliation" href="/blogs/round-table/lessons-gratitude-and-reconciliation"> Moderator Jordan Cantwell (right) and Agnes Spence (left) from Nelson House, Manitoba with the drum she made for The Moderator.

What was the most touching experience you had in 2016?

Seeing Lorna Standingready (former Elder, All Native Circle Conference) and Alberta…

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Moderator’s Highs and Lows of 2016" href="/blogs/round-table/moderators-highs-and-lows-2016"> Lorna Standingready and Alberta Billy at the 30th anniversary of the United Church Apology to First Nations.

Winter months are cruel. I can make my way through sharp winds, mounds of dreary slush, and sheets of menacing ice. But the darkness often deflates my spirits,…

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Let Your Light Shine" href="/blogs/round-table/let-your-light-shine"> A person sits in a colourful reflection from a stained glass window.

The gospel calls us to seek health and wholeness for all God’s people. In 2014 the church signed the

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Health & Wholeness for All" href="/blogs/round-table/health-wholeness-all"> A protest for health care in Canada.

Since the beginning of the year, more than a hundred 

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An Open Heart at the Border" href="/blogs/round-table/open-heart-border"> A sign indicating the US-Canadian border.

An interview with Martha Martin, the author of the new United Church Lenten book "Parables, Prayers, & Promises: Daily Devotions on Jesus."

An Interview with Lent Book Author Martha Martin" href="/blogs/round-table/interview-lent-book-author-martha-martin"> Martha Martin is the author of United Church Lent book.

Attendance at a Friday afternoon Muslim prayer service at the General Council Office (GCO) almost doubled last week, thanks to the presence of about two dozen GCO…

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Solidarity with Muslim Neighbours" href="/blogs/round-table/solidarity-muslim-neighbours"> Representatives from the Muslim prayer group and General Council Office staff.

Somewhere in The United Church of Canada’s General Council Office (GCO) in Toronto lies a piece of the Berlin Wall.

That important piece of mortar is…

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Telling our Story, through Artifacts" href="/blogs/round-table/telling-our-story-through-artifacts"> General Council Archivist Nichole Vonk shows off the fountain pen used to sign The Basis of Union, in front of the desk used for that pivotal event in 1925.

Last week I published a blog, 5 Reasons the Church May Not Find a Way Ahead. This blog is…

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5 Reasons the Church May Make It" href="/blogs/round-table/5-reasons-church-may-make-it"> A rainbow seen from a beach while storm clouds swirl overhead.