Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.
United Church people share “100 Words of Hope” for these times of high anxiety and change.
100 Words of Hope" href="/blogs/round-table/100-words-hope"> A journal and a pen
Baz Skinner, First Third Ministry Animator, shares what she’s learned about how to truly welcome youth within our communities of faith by recognizing the radical new…
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How to Make Rural Youth Ministry Work? Listen to Youth." href="/blogs/round-table/how-make-rural-youth-ministry-work-listen-youth"> Rural youth ministry participants socializing
(Re)Generate participant Rev. Tim Bowman on how the Moderator’s Leadership program is building crucial leadership skills, inspiring deep connection, and strengthening…
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(Re)Generate: The Moderator’s Leadership School Equips Leaders for the Future" href="/blogs/round-table/regenerate-moderators-leadership-school-equips-leaders-future"> A group of participants at (Re)Generate pose together
The United Church is building communities of people who care about each other and share what they have for the common good.
We’re having a party, and we want you to come!" href="/blogs/round-table/were-having-party-and-we-want-you-come"> A boy smiles as he opens a gift
The United Church of Canada is sharing stories of how people are Praying, Learning and Acting for Climate Justice.
Travelling Lighter on the Planet " href="/blogs/round-table/travelling-lighter-planet"> Rail tracks
It’s time to start thinking about Easter invitation planning. These steps can help develop your culture of invitation and invite friends and neighbours to join you this…
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Make This Easter a Time of Invitation in Your Community of Faith" href="/blogs/round-table/make-easter-time-invitation-your-community-faith"> Purple Crocus
Rev. Shane Goldie reflects on the gathering on Human Sexuality and Gender Diversity in Maputo, Mozambique.
Faith, Diversity, and Dialogue: My Experience at the Mozambique Consultation" href="/blogs/round-table/faith-diversity-and-dialogue-my-experience-mozambique-consultation"> Rainbow reflected in water
When months seems to fly by, it can be hard to devote time to inspire giving. Stewardship Support Vicki Nelson breaks down effective ways to integrate it into your…
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Making the Time to Inspire a Community of Giving" href="/blogs/round-table/making-time-inspire-community-giving"> An abstract image of clocks
The new Lenten devotional from the United Church Publishing House explores how the power of music can deepen our connection to God and form us as disciples of Christ…
Something Sacred: Reflections on Music and Faith" href="/blogs/round-table/something-sacred-reflections-music-and-faith"> Something Sacred
Rev. Brenna Baker celebrates the small acts of giving that surround us, and shares how to inspire and capture the spark of generosity in your community.
What I Learned About Generosity from Holiday Shopping " href="/blogs/round-table/what-i-learned-about-generosity-holiday-shopping"> A woman makes a purchase using her phone