Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.
In November 2023, the Atlantic Christian Training Centre (Tatamagouche Centre) hosted a four-day gathering based on ceremony, food, talking circle sharing, deep respect…
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Gathering Nations in Peace and Friendship in Atlantic Canada" href="/blogs/round-table/gathering-nations-peace-and-friendship-atlantic-canada"> Campbell House at Tatamagouche Centre
Lent can be a powerful time to repent of Christian anti-Judaism and actively commit to countering antisemitism.
Antisemitism and Lent" href="/blogs/round-table/antisemitism-and-lent"> Grave of a Jewish soldier in World War military cemetery, France
Zimbabwean-Canadian Takudzwa Lavin Nyariri shares about the joys and challenges of keeping one’s culture of birth while making their own space within…
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“I Am Because We Are” " href="/blogs/round-table/i-am-because-we-are"> Writer Takudzwa Lavin Nyariri
Mandimby Rakotondramboa writes that being an Afro-descendant student in Canada means cultural shock with an incredible amount of adaptation.
Identity and Diversity between Two Realities" href="/blogs/round-table/identity-and-diversity-between-two-realities"> Mandimby, a young man from Madagascar, lifts his hands while sitting on a hill top.
Whitehorse United Church in Yukon Territory began private refugee sponsorship in the 1980s, supporting Vietnamese boat people. Today, the congregation and dedicated…
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No Boots? No Problem!" href="/blogs/round-table/no-boots-no-problem"> Whitehorse United Church
For Black History Month, the Rev. Franklyn James celebrates this month as a commemoration of past achievements and a commitment to ongoing understanding, respect, and…
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Unity and Legacy: Celebrating Black History in Canada and the United Church " href="/blogs/round-table/unity-and-legacy-celebrating-black-history-canada-and-united-church"> A photo of the author, the Rev. Franklyn James.
The Rev. Brenna Baker writes that scenario church budgeting can help us respond with calm and grace to any situation that comes up.
"What If?"" href="/blogs/round-table/what-if"> A planner, open and ready to be written in.
The Rev. Stephen Milton talks about how the representation of the visit of the magi has changed over time… and how it might look in the future.
Advent Unwrapped: The Shape-Shifting Magi" href="/blogs/round-table/advent-unwrapped-shape-shifting-magi"> The shape shifting Magi
As a virtual COP delegate during this Advent season, Lori Neale shares impressions of the climate change conference in Dubai. Who is preparing a path for a new…
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Preparing the Way in the Wilderness: COP28 and Climate Change" href="/blogs/round-table/preparing-way-wilderness-cop28-and-climate-change"> A large group of people walk through an outdoor arch that has Unite. Act. Deliver. printed on it.
Why do we get days off at Christmas?
The Fight for Christmas Vacations" href="/blogs/round-table/fight-christmas-vacations"> The fight for Christmas Vacations