Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.
The Rev. Dave Jagger dares to use the “E” word and challenges us to make the season of Pentecost a new beginning of discovery, energy, and discipleship.
We All Need a Little Pentecost" href="/blogs/round-table/we-all-need-little-pentecost"> May 2023 Blog
Japhet Ndhlovu and Moderator Carmen Lansdowne visit United Church partners in the Philippines struggling for justice against mining corporations.
Land is Life for Indigenous People in the Philippines" href="/blogs/round-table/land-life-indigenous-people-philippines"> A large group of village residents stand with Moderator Carmen Lansdowne and Rev. Dr. Japhet Ndhlovu in a Filipino mountain village.
Conor Russell shares his recent experience attending Canadian Foodgrains Bank’s Hunger on the Hill, in Ottawa.
Acting for Climate Justice" href="/blogs/round-table/acting-climate-justice"> Hannah, Conor and Skylar acting for Climate Justice
For Earth Week, Moderator Carmen Lansdowne writes about actions and choices for climate justice that may preserve our future.
The End of the World as We Know It" href="/blogs/round-table/end-world-we-know-it"> A diverse group of children, outside in green shirts, work together to hold up a ball decorated to look like Earth.
Matthew Tyhurst writes about the how the testimony of a racialized person his own age helped change the way he looked at the world.
A White Teenager's Perspective on Racism" href="/blogs/round-table/white-teenagers-perspective-racism"> A White teenager with short dark hair sits in fall leaves and looks at the camera with a slight smile.
Sarah Yang writes her own coming-of-age story, wrestling with racism, identity, and intergenerational culture clash.
Navigating Life as a Child of Korean Immigrants" href="/blogs/round-table/navigating-life-child-korean-immigrants"> A Korean-Canadian teenage woman sitting and looking directly at the camera, wearing a red and black windbreaker.
Rev. Roger Janes writes about the wise stewardship decision to "pay God first."
A Life-Shaping Decision" href="/blogs/round-table/life-shaping-decision"> The viewer is looking down, at their feet, which at standing on a sign painted on the street with three arrows pointing in different directions.
How one United Church community of faith is responding to Black Lives Matter.
After Black History Month, What Now?" href="/blogs/round-table/after-black-history-month-what-now">
Rev. Melody Duncanson Hales writes on the importance of being intentional about our spiritual practices during the season of Lent.
A Healthy Lent" href="/blogs/round-table/healthy-lent"> A man in a white shirt and sunglasses sits on a seawall and looks out to sea on a bright, sunny day against a deep blue sky.
Jonisha Lewinson reflects on Black History Month and the diversity of Blackness.
I Got a Lot to Say" href="/blogs/round-table/i-got-lot-say"> A silhouette head shot photo of Jonisha Lewinson, a young Black woman with free-flowing hair.