Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.
The Rev. Stephen Milton explores how a simple layer of colourful paper adds to the mystery and wonder of Christmas.
Why do we wrap Christmas presents?" href="/blogs/round-table/why-do-we-wrap-christmas-presents"> why do we wrap presents
The Rev. Stephen Milton explores the identity of Saint Nicholas and his contribution to our stories of Christmas.
Advent Unwrapped: Who was the Real Saint Nicholas?" href="/blogs/round-table/advent-unwrapped-who-was-real-saint-nicholas"> Who is the real Saint Nicholas?
The Rev. Dave Jagger writes, as we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth, in a season of spending and gifting, let's take a moment to consider how we choose to use our…
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A Fitting Christmas Gift" href="/blogs/round-table/fitting-christmas-gift"> In a shadowy, black and white photo, hands pick up coins.
Rev. Stephen Milton explores the reasons behind the choice of December 25 as Christ’s birthday.
Advent Unwrapped: Why is Christmas on December 25th?" href="/blogs/round-table/advent-unwrapped-why-christmas-december-25th"> Advent Unwrapped Why is Christmas on Dec 25
Jane Thirikwa writes that dialogue among communities affirms diverse gender identities and sexual orientations.
Inclusion and Pluralism Are Possible" href="/blogs/round-table/inclusion-and-pluralism-are-possible"> Four participants of the Navigating Queer Identities and Faith panel event.
Our ingrained notions of black/white and darkness/light as inherently good and evil can guide how we treat each other.
Speaking of Darkness in Advent" href="/blogs/round-table/speaking-darkness-advent"> A brown hand holding a yellow candle in the darkness as the candle burns down.
The Rev. Roger Janes writes that changing a community of faith’s culture is required to deepen generosity and stewardship.
The First Step to Success" href="/blogs/round-table/first-step-success"> A view from the street level, showing the legs of a person in shorts jogging down a long road.
In a game of volleyball with a group of youth from Madagascar, Cameron Fraser finds that church growth is all about about building trust and friendships.
This is What Growth Looks Like" href="/blogs/round-table/what-growth-looks"> A group of young people from Madagascar playing volleyball in an indoor gym. Cameron Fraser is in the left corner, preparing to hit the ball
Gary Kenny writes about the work of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, a partnership of 15 Canadian churches and church-based agencies working to end global hunger.
Marking 40 Years of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank" href="/blogs/round-table/marking-40-years-canadian-foodgrains-bank"> A person holds two handfuls of grain together in the shape of a heart.
Vicki Nelson writes that stewardship is sharing what we have, focusing on ministry and meaning-making and letting go of competition and fear.
We Are All Trustees" href="/blogs/round-table/we-are-all-trustees"> A model of a neighbourhood with a church building. Made of wooden blocks