Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.
We enter Black History Month with the reminder of the enslaved history of African-descent people brought by British and French settlers in Turtle Island.
The Black Journey" href="/blogs/round-table/black-journey">
The story of “The Sunflower Man,” a healing, community-based dance performance based on the regenerating life and work of migrant farmworkers in the Niagara Region.…
The Sunflower Man " href="/blogs/round-table/sunflower-man"> A photo of two Latinx performers, dressing in traditional farmworker clothes, cradling a sunflower during a show.
Three Palestinian families try to recover after their homes were demolished near Bethlehem.
Home Demolitions in Palestine" href="/blogs/round-table/home-demolitions-palestine"> A huge pile of concrete rubble mark all that is left of the K. family home after demolition. Groups of people are seen standing around the pile, including Ecumenical Accompaniers.
The Indigenous Ministries and Justice staff share a greeting for winter solstice.
Winter Solstice Greetings" href="/blogs/round-table/winter-solstice-greetings"> Ten people from the Indigenous Ministries and Justice staff gather for a photo in the British Columbia forest.
The Holy is known in the birth of every child, the Rev. Maria Christina Conlon reminds us, in this Advent Unwrapped microblog.
Advent Unwrapped: Belén Sa Toronto" href="/blogs/round-table/advent-unwrapped-belen-sa-toronto"> A pencil sketch outlie of two people wrapped in blankets and sitting on the street.
For International Migrants Day, Demanya Kofi Akoussah shares his difficult experience as a minister working to immigrate to Canada.
My Immigration Challenges" href="/blogs/round-table/my-immigration-challenges"> Overlooking the locks on the Ottawa Canal, with the Alexandra Bridge in the background.
In an Advent Unwrapped microblog, the Rev. Maria Christina Conlon reminds us of the importance of compassion.
The Womb that Bore You" href="/blogs/round-table/womb-bore-you"> A red woodcut print of a baby surrounded by light.
Rev. MiYeon Kim and Rev. Leigh Sinclair reflect on their experiences at the Intercultural Adventures seminar, which looks at United Church theology through the lens of…
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Sharing Intercultural Adventures with the Holy Spirit" href="/blogs/round-table/sharing-intercultural-adventures-holy-spirit"> Rev. Leigh Sinclair (left) and Rev. MiYeon Lim (right) smile together as they stand before a temporary altar with a wooden cross and a small candle.
Janet Millward writes about Canadian Foodgrains Bank’s call to use climate finance funding to address food insecurity around the world.
The Climate Crisis and Global Hunger" href="/blogs/round-table/climate-crisis-and-global-hunger"> A collection of signs on a wall outlining the causes of world hunger.
Rev. Anne Hines writes how our church’s Truth and Reconciliation project transformed our walls, and our lives.
Walls of Welcome" href="/blogs/round-table/walls-welcome">