Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.
Norma McCord, a long-time United Church refugee program supporter, says the work is in her blood.
“My Soul Is Fed” by Supporting Refugees" href="/blogs/round-table/my-soul-fed-supporting-refugees"> Norma, a long-time refugee program supporter (right), with a friend.
For World Refugee Day, we share the story of Islington United Church's Refugee Support Ministry, which has been creating relationships for over 40 years.
Refugee Sponsorship Profile: Islington United Church" href="/blogs/round-table/refugee-sponsorship-profile-islington-united-church">
The Rev. Dr. Hyuk Cho shares about the history and consequences of the war on Korean peninsula which has yet to come to an end after 70 years. 
Making Peace in the Midst of Conflict " href="/blogs/round-table/making-peace-midst-conflict"> An images of the signatures on the 1953 Korean armistice agreement, signed by representatives from Korea, China, and the United States.
Rev. Shelley Pick asks, “What is neurodiversity, how is it related to brain injury, and what should communities of faith know about it?” 
In the Twinkling of an Eye " href="/blogs/round-table/twinkling-eye"> The author, Rev. Shelley Pick, a woman with light brown hair, twinkling eyes, smiles while holding a book from Brain Injury Nova Scotia.
The Rev. Dr. Alan Lai urges the United Church to prepare for a new wave of immigrants from Hong Kong.
A Mission to Welcome" href="/blogs/round-table/mission-welcome"> A busy night street scene in Hong Kong, with large groups of people crossing an intersection, backed by well-lit buildings covered with advertisements and signs.
Lynda Trono writes that, for those struggling in an unjust economy, a Guaranteed Livable Income offers a long-term solution.
A Guaranteed Livable Income Would Be Better" href="/blogs/round-table/guaranteed-livable-income-would-be-better"> A man with dark skin and rough clothing holding a sign that says "Anything helps," next to another homemade sign listing the benefits of a Guaranteed Livable Income.
Ariel Siagan raises awareness about the situation of Filipino migrant workers in Canada and calls on the church to respond.
Fresh Off the Boat" href="/blogs/round-table/fresh-boat">
Tips and best practices for mental health and well being from Lieutenant Commander (Padre) Earl Klotz.
Chaplaincy as an Evolution of Ministry " href="/blogs/round-table/chaplaincy-evolution-ministry"> Lieutenant Commander (Padre) Earl Klotz, in uniform, standing inside a submarine.
On National Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Mitchell Anderson writes that Indigenous justice and reconciliation can only take place in ways that ensure that Black lives matter…
“Our Movements for Justice Are Linked”" href="/blogs/round-table/our-movements-justice-are-linked"> A man with a red Mohawk First Nations flag kneels in solidarity at a Black Lives Matter protest in Toronto, June 2020.
During Pride Month, artist Noah Janosch Brown writes about finding a safe place in a United Church to create art and nurture self-discovery.
Space for Creation and Discovery" href="/blogs/round-table/space-creation-and-discovery"> A young Black man in a black suit with locks and golden glasses, poses in front of one of his art works, a depiction of a trans-Atlantic slave ship holdings.