We now stand at a crucial time in the life of the church, and the history of Canada, when we can see the journey through. For more than thirty years, the United Church and Indigenous peoples have been on a journey towards mutuality, respect and equity. Towards reconciliation. Towards justice.

Moderator’s Message for National Indigenous Peoples Day 2023

In her message for National Indigenous Peoples Day, Moderator Carmen Lansdowne suggests many ways you and your community of faith can celebrate or… continue reading

Preserving Language through the Mohawk Language Bible

YGM 2023: June 11. The much-anticipated Mohawk Language Bible will be available in fall 2023. Your gifts to Mission and Service allow projects to… continue reading

Participate in the Moose Hide Campaign to Combat Violence and Call for Justice

Combat violence and call for justice by participating in the Moose Hide Campaign.

Establishing an Autonomous National Indigenous Organization

The 44th General Council has authorized a remit on removing structural barriers so that the Indigenous Church can determine its place and structure… continue reading

Response to the Phase One Findings at the Alberni Residential Institution

With deep remorse and grief, The United Church of Canada acknowledges the truth at the Alberni residential institution, which was run by the United… continue reading

Initial Statement on the Findings at Port Alberni Residential Institution

Truths have been shared by the Tseshaht Nation today. The United Church of Canada acknowledges and is saddened by what we have heard.

The Path toward Healing: Murray Pruden’s Work

YGM 2023: June 18. Supported by Mission & Service, the Rev. Murray Pruden has made significant gains in building relationships of trust and… continue reading

United Church takes two important steps toward right relations

The United Church of Canada’s General Council 44 has approved two proposals that advance the journey toward an autonomous Indigenous Church within… continue reading

Moderator’s Message: That the Truth Will Not Be Forgotten

Over this past year First Nation, Inuit, and Métis leaders have again shouldered the burden of revealing the hard truths of our shared history.

Bringing the Children Home

Community support regarding unmarked burial sites.