In its General Council 44, meeting virtually, The United Church of Canada has approved two proposals that advance the journey toward an autonomous Indigenous Church within The United Church of Canada.
The first proposal (referred to as NICO1) directs the General Secretary to remove structural barriers toward “developing and sustaining an autonomous Indigenous church” within the larger church while continuing a dialogue on reparations and right relations with the National Indigenous Circle. The Indigenous Church identified this as a clear action to truly move away from the missionary past and toward being “partners in God’s call to all the earth.”
The second proposal (GS10) helps facilitate the first, authorizing approval of a new structure of the Indigenous Church within the United Church, and relationship to the settler church, “as will be determined by the Indigenous Church in its own time and through its own processes.” This will be done through a full church decision-making process, referred to as a Category 3 remit, but with a shortened process.
Both proposals—now approved―are understood to flow from the Calls to the Church, received in 2018. These steps toward Indigenous self-determination are ways The United Church of Canada continues to live out its commitment to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
To read the proposals, visit commons.united-church.ca > Governance > General Council > 44th General Council > 3. Proposals > Theme - Nurture the Common Good.