A listing of recently published prayers

A Prayer of Remembrance for the Armenian Genocide – April 24, 1915

Tender God, we cry for all the victims of the Armenian Genocide.
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Let Us Work Together and Uplift Each Other

A prayer for building connections and working together.
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A Prayer for Those Struggling for Justice

Help us by your great power to continue in our struggles for justice.
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Help Us Find Beauty Within Ourselves

A prayer to find beauty in ourselves in order to see the beauty in others.
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A Prayer for Climate Change

God of Creation, Incarnation, and Resurrection, help me go gently in this fragile world.
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A Prayer for the Indigenous Church after Results from Tseshaht First Nation

Moderator Carmen Lansdowne shares a prayer for the Indigenous church in light of the phase one result from Tseshaht First Nation.
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A Prayer for the Non-Indigenous Church after Results from Tseshaht First Nation

Moderator Carmen Lansdowne shares a prayer for the non-Indigenous church in light of the phase one result from Tseshaht First Nation.
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A Christmas Prayer

I’m just as enthralled by you, Jesus, as I was when we first met.
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Break Us and Mold Us

A prayer for the renewal of the church by the Rev. Karlene Brown-Palmer, St. Paul’s United Church, Tillsonburg, Ontario.
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Daily Bread

A prayer for World Food Day or any day.
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