Let us build connection;
let us be in relationship.
The systems and circumstances that continue to oppress and disempower are connected;
they work together and uplift each other.
That is one of their greatest strengths.
Therefore, we must do the same.
We must work together
and build relationships to fight against oppression.
God, help us to see the connection between racism and poverty.
Help us to come together to make change.
We know you call on us to create a world built
on love, equity, and justice.
This means being in relationship and relying on each other to create this world.
We must work together to uplift justice and equity.
Help us to reflect on the relationships we build and the changes we want to see.
Thank you for equipping us with all we need to create a world built on love, equity, and justice.

Thea Sheridan-Jonah

This prayer was part of 40 Days of Engagement in Anti-Racism, which offers opportunities to delve deeply into anti-racism work. Read the em>stories and sign up for our em>newsletter to learn more.

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