United Church minister’s interfaith work will be recognized by Manitoba’s Lieutenant Governor in a ceremony on February 6
Rev. Dr. Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd Receives Provincial Award" href="/news/rev-dr-loraine-mackenzie-shepherd-receives-provincial-award"> Portrait of Rev. Dr. Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd
Statement of The United Church of Canada on the January 26, 2024 ruling of the International Court of Justice on South Africa’s request for provisional measures against Israel.
International Court of Justice Rules on South Africa’s Genocide Application " href="/news/international-court-justice-rules-south-africas-genocide-application"> The court room of the International Court of Justice, with judges, plaintiffs, and lawyers present.
Executive director of Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees Near East Council of Churches (DSPR-NECC) writes Global Partnership staff in gratitude for supporting the work in Gaza and the… continue reading
Partners report public health catastrophe unfolding in Gaza" href="/news/partners-report-public-health-catastrophe-unfolding-gaza"> A young man leads a large group of children in a game.
General Secretary the Rev. Michael Blair urges the Canadian government to support South Africa's application to the International Court of Justice on Israel's breach of its obligations under the… continue reading
Canada should support South Africa's application to the ICJ" href="/news/canada-should-support-south-africas-application-icj"> Hands release a peace dove against a sunset background
On January 11, 2023, five Water Defenders were arrested in Santa Marta, El Salvador, by the country’s Attorney General’s Office and National Civil Police. One year later, they’re still detained.
Report Advocates for Release of Santa Marta 5 " href="/news/report-advocates-release-santa-marta-5"> A sign in Spanish advocating for the release of the Santa Marta 5
The United Church of Canada one of 75+ civil society organizations to call on countries to help LGBTQI+ people who are at risk of persecution.
Joint Statement Addresses Vulnerability of LGBTQI+ Refugees" href="/news/joint-statement-addresses-vulnerability-lgbtqi-refugees"> A brick wall painted like a rainbow
The United Church advocates for a lasting and just peace in Middle East by supporting Prime Minister Trudeau’s call for ceasefire and by urging President Biden to uphold international laws.
Two Letters, Two Leaders: Responses to Middle East Conflict " href="/news/two-letters-two-leaders-responses-middle-east-conflict"> The flag of Canada and the flag of the United states
The General Council Executive approved the appointment of the Rev. Mark Laird as Regional Council Executive Minister, Western Ontario Waterways, Horseshoe Falls, and Antler River regional councils.
New Regional Council Executive Minister Announced" href="/news/new-regional-council-executive-minister-announced"> Portrait of Mark Laird
The Leadership Counts survey was a collaborative effort between General Council staff in Member Engagement, the Office of Vocation, and Anti-Racism and Equity.
Leadership Counts Midterm Report Results Released" href="/news/leadership-counts-midterm-report-results-released"> several people wearing stoles take part in the moderator's installation ceremony
The United Church’s virtual COP28 delegation is making important connections between spirituality, faith communities, and climate change.
Climate Crisis Is Also a Spiritual Crisis" href="/news/climate-crisis-also-spiritual-crisis"> Shane Goldie speaking at church pulpit