Christ transforms. God’s grace is liberation and healing. The gospel is good news. Responding to the call to discipleship, The United Church of Canada seeks to share faith and build community with our neighbours. We strive to do with humility but also with confidence, speaking into a growing sense that Canadians crave a sense of belonging, perhaps even for the kind of community that church provides.
In 2021, the General Council Executive asked the church about its priorities through a series of Moderator’s Town Halls. A consistent response was the need to focus on inviting others. This involves growth and renewal within communities and sharing the Church’s voice, values, and invitation across the country. Intentional outreach to youth, marginalized people, and immigrant communities will lead to the church better reflecting Canada’s vibrant diversity.
The General Council Strategic Plan for 2023–2025 identified “Strengthen invitation: Humility and Confidence in Sharing Faith” as a leading priority. This program, built around the pillars of Renew, Create, and Invite, leverages learnings from the former EDGE Network.
Renewal across faith communities is supported by six regional Growth animators and specialists in rural ministry and innovation. We are learning from over 150 growing United Church communities, helping churches create strong invite plans anchored in clear purpose and vision. For example, St. Paul’s in Saskatoon is building a culture and practice of engaging with curious neighbours. “God has given us to the Sutherland neighbourhood,” says Rev. Mitchell Anderson. Decisions made within the congregation reflect this core conviction.
The line between renewing and creating is fluid when new ministries breathe life into existing communities. The Growth Initiative is supporting Sunnybrook United Church in Red Deer as it hosts an emerging ministry. “Sunnybrook is incredibly excited about their new First Third Ministry and the support that they can offer to the new Campus United ministry at Red Deer Polytechnic… It felt that the Holy Spirit was guiding the process as many people said, ‘Yes’ to a new thing they discerned God was doing in their midst,” says Growth Animator Rev. Scott Reynolds.
Our goal of creating 100 new churches initially focuses on migrant and diaspora communities. Out of 40 possibilities, at least 20 are on their way to becoming United Church communities. These diverse “church plants” include people from Filipino, Hong Kong, Korean, and African-descent communities, gathering for worship and fellowship. As Migrant and Intercultural Growth Coordinator Emo Yango says, “The United Church Call to deep spirituality, bold discipleship, and daring justice resonates.”
One of the ways the General Council supports this goal is by resourcing lead organizers for these emerging communities. We are also deepening connections with African denominations and emerging Francophone communities outside Quebec.
Both existing and emerging churches benefit from strategies to invite Canadians into deeper relationship with the Christian story and with us. Leveraging the Centennial, we are using new tools and a public relations campaign to introduce the United Church. Communications Director Ronda Parkes emphasizes, “Whether people remember us from the past or are meeting us for the first time, we want everyone to see the vibrant, inclusive, and justice-driven community we are today. There is a place at the table for all.”
Growth and Ministry Development Director, Rev. Cameron Fraser, speaks of the momentum: “Our national Growth department is just a year old, and we’re already seeing energy and excitement in prioritizing the commitment to strengthen invitation. The United Church has powerful stories to share and vibrant community to offer. We see amazing opportunities to embrace mutual transformation and more beautifully embody God’s invitation to diversity, justice, and joy.”
The General Council Executive will explore progress made on the Growth strategic objective at its September meeting. A January event is anticipated to celebrate emerging churches within The United Church of Canada.
Is your community of faith finding creative ways to invite your neighbours into your Call to be the church? Can we pray with and for you in this work? Would you like to connect with other communities and leaders working on stronger invitation? Contact us at and let’s keep the conversation going.