The United Church of Canada has written two letters to the Honourable Melanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, urging Canada to work with like-minded countries to hold the government of… continue reading
Calls for Urgent Action to Protect Palestinian Human Rights" href="/news/calls-urgent-action-protect-palestinian-human-rights"> Newspaper clippings
While it may be tempting to distance the attacks in the US as extreme events taking place solely there, the realities of racism are also ever-present in Canada.
Prayers for Healing, Comfort, and Anti-Racist Action" href="/news/prayers-healing-comfort-and-anti-racist-action"> Exterior of a supermarket with the name Tops in large red letters over the doors and cars parked in front.
The United Church of Canada condemns the recent spate of extremist violent attacks against Israeli communities, three of which took place in the span of one week.
The United Church of Canada Condemns Attacks in Israel" href="/news/united-church-canada-condemns-attacks-israel"> Israeli police inspect the scene of a shooting attack on a street in Israel at night.
The United Church of Canada is saddened by two acts of vandalism that occurred this week at St. Luke’s United Church in Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, and Scarboro United Church in Calgary, Alberta.
Saddened by Vandalism at Two More United Churches" href="/news/saddened-vandalism-two-more-united-churches"> Shattered glass is scattered on the floor of St. Luke's church entrance from the shattered glass front door.
In an open letter, the Ethnocultural Networks of the United Church call for justice in Ukraine and express concern over manifestations of racism seen in the midst of this war.
Letter Concerning Ukraine from Ethnocultural Networks" href="/news/letter-concerning-ukraine-ethnocultural-networks"> Several Nigerian students with their luggage stand in front of a train at the Lviv station in a snowfall.
March 21 is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. However, the struggle against racism is a continuous effort. Anti-racism work is important on any day and every… continue reading
10 Ways to Work Towards Anti-Racism" href="/news/10-ways-work-towards-anti-racism"> colourful hands surround words saying No Racism
The United Church of Canada holds in prayer all those facing fear and violence and seeks the immediate cessation of war in Ukraine.
Concern for Ukrainian Communities" href="/news/concern-ukrainian-communities"> Flag of Ukraine, a horizontal blue stripe above a horizontal yellow stripe.
Committing to becoming an actively anti-racist church includes intentionally opposing signs and systems of racism whenever they are displayed in the church and society.
Opposing Symbols of Hate in Protests" href="/news/opposing-symbols-hate-protests"> counter protest with sign that says True North Strong and Hate Free
Starting in mid-November many United Church leaders are being invited to participate in Leadership Counts, a voluntary survey of ministry personnel, national committee members, and national and… continue reading
Leadership Counts Launches!" href="/news/leadership-counts-launches">
The United Church will support research of unmarked graves as an act of reparation.
Resources to Bring the Children Home" href="/news/resources-bring-children-home"> orange shirts displayed on steps outside legislature building