Rebuilding after Loss: Lisa’s Story

Published On: December 17, 2021

YGM 2022: March 20. Your gifts through Mission & Service help people like Lisa rebuild their lives after loss.

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Nourishing Bodies and Hearts: Ashrafi’s Story

Published On: December 17, 2021

YGM 2022: May 15. Over 200 families, many living in poverty, grow their own nutritious food at Fred Victor’s gardens thanks to generous supporters like you.

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Bridging Financial Divides: Lynn’s Story

Published On: December 17, 2021

Your Generosity Matters 2022: Through her work at Bridges Peterborough, Lynn brings together volunteers from across economic spectrums.

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Your Gifts Help Overcome Discrimination: Petrona’s Story

Published On: December 17, 2021

YGM 2022: February 27. Petrona is one of hundreds of women who have changed their lives after receiving training through the Guatemala Conference of Evangelical Churches.

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You Give Skills for Life: Kathleen’s Story

Published On: December 17, 2021

YGM 2022: April 24. Kathleen grew up in very formal churches where she felt she had to be perfect all the time. At camp, in an informal setting, her faith blossomed.

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Dreams Are Realized through Education

Published On: December 1, 2021

YGM 2022: January 30. Mission & Service partners help young people complete their education and stay in school.

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Haiti: How Your Generosity Is Helping

Published On: December 1, 2021

YGM 2022: January 23. Since August 2014, your generous gifts to the Haiti Emergency Appeal have been helping people rebuild their lives.

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Theological Education Provides a Roadmap to Vitality

Published On: December 1, 2021

YGM 2022: January 16. Through its Congregational Vitality Initiative, VST is working hard to identify the challenges congregations are facing and help them see what the future might look like.

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A Better World: One Water Project at a Time

Published On: December 1, 2021

YGM 2022: January 9. Today―Baptism of Jesus Sunday—is a good day to consider our relationship with water.

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A Step toward Peace

Published On: October 21, 2021

M4M 2021: November 7. Every step we take to support Palestinian families like Leila’s brings us a step closer to peace and justice.

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