Rev. Melody Duncanson Hales writes about Creation Time as an opportunity for heightened awareness, stewardship, and action.

Imagine a world where our actions today echo far into the future, where the choices we make now, matter tomorrow. This is the essence of Creation Time. It reminds us that our Earth isn't just a home; it's a divine gift. How we cherish this gift reveals our true relationship with the Creator.
Take a walk through downtown Capreol, just north of Sudbury, Ontario, and you’ll see Trinity United Church, situated on an intersection of street and railway, right in the heart of a bustling community. I met with Pastor Pam Brown (student minister), and leaders Faye Moffatt and Judy Sumner, who were excited to share Trinity’s green journey with me.
Judy shared about their solar panel installation. This was a decade-long labour of love, made real through the generous support of Trinity members and the United Church Faithful Footprints program. Trinity’s move to solar power goes beyond energy savings and cost reductions. Significant savings have allowed funds to be reallocated to support ministry. It is a step towards a future where sustainability is a way of life, a witness to Trinity’s hope for a healthy community today and tomorrow.
However, Trinity’s commitment to creation doesn’t stop there, Faye was quick to add. By partnering with the community garden and phasing out single-use plastics, they have established a foundation of environmentally conscious practices that span all areas of congregational life, from the food bank to facility use. This dedication speaks of a deeper theological commitment. It's about viewing the Earth and its resources, not as commodities to be exploited but as a sacred trust.
Liturgically, Creation Time is a time of heightened awareness and action. At Trinity, it's a season marked by special worship services integrating prayers, hymns, and photographs that reflect the beauty and sanctity of creation. Moreover, the community of faith finds unique ways to allow members to share their own sustainability practices, whether it's about conserving water, saving energy, or preserving food. These shared stories both inspire action and create a sense of communal responsibility.
It’s inspiring how Trinity sees their eco-initiatives. For them, these steps are a simple and profound expression of their faith in a God who nourishes, sustains, and renews all. Supporting projects that champion climate action isn't a side activity—it's central to how Trinity lives their hope.
Stewardship reminds us that we are empowered to make choices with resources, whether of time or talent or wealth. Everything Trinity has done, large and small, are so much more than just a checklist of green initiatives. They are each a choice to use what they are given to make the most impact for their community and beyond. These acts of faithful stewardship are tangible expressions of the belief that when we care for the Earth, we are, in essence, fulfilling our God-given role as stewards of sacred gifts.
As we enter this liturgical time, may you, too, find your own unique way to witness to hope and engage in faithful action, ever mindful of our divine calling as stewards of God's precious gift—our planet.
—Rev. Melody Duncanson Hales, Community of Faith Stewardship Support staff for Canadian Shield and Shining Waters regions and Canadian Shield regional staff for congregational support.
The views contained within these blogs are personal and do not necessarily reflect those of The United Church of Canada.