Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.
It was a rare privilege to travel to Zambia in February 2018 for a Mission & Service–sponsored partners’ meeting dubbed “the Indaba” (Zulu for consultation or…
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Zambia Consultation Brings United Church Partners Together" href="/blogs/round-table/zambia-consultation-brings-united-church-partners-together"> United Church and Zambian partners gather in a circle for a "string exercise" passing a ball of string to each other and forming a web that symbolizes connection.

Why did I write a worship service and sermon for Black History Month? It’s a difficult question to answer. I was filled with excitement and dread at the prospect. I…

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Why Did I Write a Worship Service for Black History Month?" href="/blogs/round-table/why-did-i-write-worship-service-black-history-month"> Black Lives Matter supporters march at Toronto Pride 2016, beneath a large Canadian flag and flags representing the Trans movement.

Full disclosure. I am a Black man. I was born in Jamaica and I am an immigrant to Canada. Having served as an ordained minister of The Methodist Church in the…

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Practicing the Inclusion We Preach" href="/blogs/round-table/practicing-inclusion-we-preach"> Rev. Paul Douglas Walfall in his clergy robes, presiding over a meeting in the United Church's Alberta and Northwest Conference.

The Healing Fund has the privilege of supporting many…

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Healing Ourselves – Helping Each Other" href="/blogs/round-table/healing-ourselves-helping-each-other"> A group photo of members of the Naandwindizwin-Wechihitita Residential School Survivors Support Group together in a park.

I don’t know about you, but at our house we are preparing to begin binge watching the Olympic coverage starting this weekend. I am generally not a big sports fan,…

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Speed Skating Lessons" href="/blogs/round-table/speed-skating-lessons"> United Church pastor's kid Bob Donnelly, seen here skating around the track, is going to the Olympics as a speed skater.
Rev. Dr. Paul Douglas Walfall on the West African concept of “Sankofa," which teaches us that it’s not wrong to go back for that which you have forgotten.
What Black History Offers Us in Times of Change" href="/blogs/round-table/what-black-history-offers-us-times-change"> A black Sankofa symbol on an orange wall in Ghana.

This reflection is offered by the All My Relations Network of…

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What is at Stake in Battleford?" href="/blogs/round-table/what-stake-battleford"> What is at stake in the Battleford trial.
The World Wants Words not War" href="/blogs/round-table/world-wants-words-not-war"> A delegation of women went to Vancouver to call for peace in Korea. Here the group displays a peace banner made of the event.

ABI (to be home in Ojibwe) is a project funded by The United Church of Canada’s Healing…

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The Sharing Circle" href="/blogs/round-table/sharing-circle"> Some of the participants in The Sharing Circle in Winnipeg.

Summer Student Grants began in 2015. The grant offers half the cost of minimum wage to…

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Spreading Inspiration through Summer Student Grants" href="/blogs/round-table/spreading-inspiration-through-summer-student-grants"> Summer Grant Students at Siloam United Church show off their work from the community garden.