A candlelight vigil on December 1 responded to vandalism of the rainbow steps at an Affirming church in Brighton, Ontario, shortly after the regional council held an inclusive hymn sing on those same… continue reading
Rainbow Steps Vandalized After Inclusive Public Hymn Sing" href="/news/rainbow-steps-vandalized-after-inclusive-public-hymn-sing"> Brian Ostrander, Mayor of Brighton, Ontario, speaks at the vigil
The United Church urges Canada to support peace talks in the Philippines, end military cooperation fueling human rights abuses, and prioritize justice. Join us: Sign the petition for peace and… continue reading
Join the Advocacy for Human Rights in the Philippines" href="/news/join-advocacy-human-rights-philippines"> Large group of people hold up banners and signs urging peace talks in the Philippines.
National Indigenous Spiritual Gathering (NISG) to meet in Winnipeg November 29 to December 1, 2024, to build a shared understanding of leadership and governance.
NISG to Create Framework to Help the Indigenous Church Move Forward" href="/news/nisg-create-framework-help-indigenous-church-move-forward"> Eagle stands on a medicine wheel with a Bible below and a cross above.
In her Advent message, Moderator Carmen Lansdowne reflects on how the Christ child was not born in luxury, but had loving parents and God’s grace. This love is what we hope for with all of those in… continue reading
Moderator’s Advent Message 2024" href="/news/moderators-advent-message-2024">
The East Central Ontario Regional Council of The United Church of Canada put its words into action by extending an invitation to the Brighton community to join them in singing songs of inclusion on… continue reading
Regional Council Raises Voices in Song to Make Bold Statement of Inclusion" href="/news/regional-council-raises-voices-song-make-bold-statement-inclusion"> 40 people in front of a church door with rainbow-painted steps.
A statement to support the work and recommendations of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories occupied since 1967, and to uphold the work of the… continue reading
Canada Must Not Undermine the UN’s Work in the Middle East" href="/news/canada-must-not-undermine-uns-work-middle-east"> A child carrying a blanket walking through rubble in Gaza
A USD$15,000 seed grant for innovation from In Trust Center will be matched by The United Church of Canada, along with contributions by United Church-affiliated theological schools.
In Trust Center Resource Grant Approved" href="/news/trust-center-resource-grant-approved"> Young woman in white shirt reads a book outdoors, surrounded by trees.
Local congregations empowered to adopt advocacy strategies regarding Palestine and Israel, as General Council affirms applying justice principles to the conflict.
Moderator Writes Pastoral Letter to Support General Council’s Decision" href="/news/moderator-writes-pastoral-letter-support-general-councils-decision"> A white dove, invoking peace, flies through an urban area.
The Scaling Up Resilience Project in Zimbabwe, a partnership with the Zimbabwe Council of Churches and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, addresses food insecurity through community-driven solutions,… continue reading
Strength in Partnership: Supporting Community Resilience in Zimbabwe" href="/news/strength-partnership-supporting-community-resilience-zimbabwe"> Several people work on farm plot where the crop has just been cut down.
Moderator Carmen Lansdowne reminds us that we have good reason to give thanks—and to share the gifts in our lives with those who are in need. May God bless you and those around you this Thanksgiving.
Moderator's Thanksgiving Message 2024" href="/news/moderators-thanksgiving-message-2024">