Pray. Act. Advocate. Witness. Give.

The Moderator’s message for Pentecost is one of hope, and a prayer for the world: “The Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words” (Romans 8:26).
Many of us have felt helpless, and many have felt moved to act, to march and protest in solidarity with the people and United Church partners in Palestine and Israel. Throughout Lent this year, many churches, congregations, and communities of faith across Canada and around the world have already “with their bodies, prayerfully mapped Gaza onto their own cities.”
A global movement is happening—a movement of prayerful solidarity with the people of Gaza.
We want to mobilize for a just peace in Palestine and Israel. Extending the call beyond Lent, Canada-wide local pilgrimages will preface a pilgrimage to Parliament Hill on May 22 by national representatives and church leaders, including Moderator The Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne.
If you’re not sure what you can do—if you have felt helpless in knowing what to do—this list will help you focus your own efforts, public or not:
- A Prayer for Ceasefire
- Prayer for Peace with Justice in Israel/Palestine
- A Prayer for Palestine (Geez Magazine)
Join or organize pilgrimages from now until May 13 as a collective expression of solidarity with other congregations across the country. Participants will walk or roll—individually or together—in their home communities for all or part of 41 km—the length of the Gaza strip—by May 13.
Pilgrims are invited to share the distance they have moved on KAIROS Canada’s website by May 13. Check the following sites for local opportunities to join peaceful justice-focused protests:
Write your MP urging the Canadian government to support the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage Calls for:
- An enduring and sustained ceasefire
- An immediate flow of life-saving food, water, aid, fuel, and humanitarian assistance
- The release of all captives
- A halt to further arms exports, alongside export and brokering authorizations, to Israel
- An end of occupation so a just peace can begin
- Wear white: Invite your congregation to wear white on April 28 or May 5.
- Take a photo: Take a solemn photo of everyone, preferably outside, with a sign indicating their location and prayer. Share it with KAIROS. And share it with your MP in a letter.
- Read the Moderator’s recent letter in church.
Make a donation towards supporting partners to deliver humanitarian aid to people in the conflict zone.
Week of Action: May 15‒22
During this week, pilgrims are encouraged to engage in any of the following actions during or before this week:
- Plant a tree: Encourage others to do so in memory of all the Palestinian and Israeli children who have died in the violence. Some trees were planted on March 30, which marked Land Day (Palestine), but we must remember these children every day.
- May 15 – Nakba Day: Calls for a general strike globally, for those who are able. Join or organize a local strike.
- Hold a vigil or prayer service: In front of the offices of Members of Parliament. Pray for the Calls initiated in the global Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage that support a just peace in the region. Reiterate these calls to MPs and their staff.
- Gather in Ottawa on Parliament Hill on May 22 with national church leaders. The church leaders’ pilgrimage will begin in Ottawa (location to be announced) and end on Parliament Hill, where there will be prayers for a ceasefire and for a just peace for all in Palestine and Israel, speeches by church leaders, a press conference and meetings with MPs and Ministers.
- Wear white to symbolize peace.
- Carry enlarged photos of all the actions across the country leading up to this day.
The Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage: Canadian Churches for Just Peace is an initiative organized by KAIROS Canada and its member churches. As a member of KAIROS, The United Church of Canada is part of the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage, a global network of autonomous Christian groups with shared perspectives who are engaging in a prayerful show of solidarity in cities around the world.
KAIROS and member churches have a long history of supporting and accompanying partners in Palestine and in Israel in their work. We amplify their calls for just peace in the region to the Canadian public and government.