United Church Partners Respond to Urgent Needs in Middle East

November 16, 2023

United Church support is reaching partners who are responding to the most urgent needs in the region.

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Big Banks Commit to Racial Equity Audits, Thanks to the United Church and SHARE

November 14, 2023

The United Church of Canada and the United Church Pension, as members of SHARE, co-filed a shareholder proposal asking the Royal Bank of Canada and the Bank of Montreal to conduct racial equity audits.

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November 12 Is a Day of Action across Canada

November 07, 2023

Support an immediate ceasefire in Israel-Palestine and an end to the unprecedented humanitarian disaster unfolding in Gaza. This Sunday, November 12, you can join a pan-Canadian day of action in every part of the country.

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Partner Council Visits Communities of Faith

November 01, 2023

The United Church of Canada Partner Council witnesses the church’s Call and Vision alive and emboldened.

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United Church Renounces Claims to Former Mission Properties in the DPRK

October 31, 2023

Motion to renounce the properties in The Democratic People's Republic of Korea was passed at General Council 44 recall meeting on Oct. 21, 2023.

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Canadian Government Matching Donations for Gaza and West Bank

October 30, 2023

Matching program ends November 12. Donate now to ensure more impact!

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A Letter from Partners in Gaza

October 27, 2023

Staff of the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR) of the Middle East Council of Churches, a Mission and Service partner, report on their current situation in Gaza.

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Tune in to Press Conference on Middle East on Parliament Hill Today

October 26, 2023

The Rev. Éric Hébert-Daly, Regional Executive Minister of The United Church of Canada for Eastern Ontario and Quebec, will join a press conference on Parliament Hill today at 11 a.m. EDT. The livestream is on the CPAC website.

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Urging Action and Justice in the Middle East

October 23, 2023

The United Church of Canada adds its voice to global calls for a ceasefire and humanitarian aid.

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Partner Council Eager to Be Immersed in the United Church’s Call and Vision

October 20, 2023

From October 19–26, the United Church Partner Council will be gathering in Canada for the first in-person session since 2018.

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