Strategic plan report uplifts stories about Then Let Us Sing!, Indigenous youth, Faithful Footprints and more

The United Church of Canada has released the 2023 Strategic Plan Report, the first report of the General Council Office’s 2023‒2025 strategic plan. Chock full of engaging stories that identify the six pillars of the plan and offer a glimpse into how the strategic plan is unfolding, the report illustrates a very ambitious first year.
It connects overall progress and snapshots of strategic objectives with financial information, so the priorities of the General Council Office, and the work supported through assessment and Mission and Service contributions, are clear.
“We are striving to live into our Call, seeking to be a 'bold, connected, and evolving church' made up of thriving communities that invite neighbours into shared values and deep relationship. Our key strategies are renewing, creating, and inviting, and we want to deliver strong results transparently and accountably,” says Jennifer Henry, Executive Minister for Organizational Development and Growth. “As we plan, we evaluate our work so we can draw from the lessons we’ve learned, in order to improve focus and impact.”
While the annual Mission and Service Accountability Report focuses on activities funded through that particular avenue of giving, this report relates to the whole General Council budget, including some areas funded from outside the annual operating budget. It complements more detailed quarterly reports prepared for the General Council Executive and available on the United Church Commons (see materials for GCE meetings), as well as the high-level current time reporting accessible at Our Call and Vision.
A French version is posted on É
For questions about the report or the work that underpins the plan, please email
- 2023 Strategic Plan Report (838.36 KB) (PDF)