The United Church of Canada and The Presbyterian Church in Canada are partnering to bring inspiring worship, amazing speakers, engaging workshops, and experiential activities to youth, young adults,… continue reading
Get Ready to Rendez-vous 2024: Audacious Hope Launches July 3" href="/news/get-ready-rendez-vous-2024-audacious-hope-launches-july-3"> Audacious Hope July 3-6, 2024. Brock University, St. Catharines, ON
Far too many people have been killed in the Philippines. Show your solidarity by joining an interfaith call for peace.
Join an Interfaith Call for Peace in the Philippines" href="/news/join-interfaith-call-peace-philippines"> Stop the killings! Stop the attacks! Foster a just peace in the Philippines!
In her National Indigenous Peoples Day message, Moderator Carmen Lansdowne reminds us that we can all take specific actions to celebrate or recognize this day and National Indigenous Peoples Month.
Moderator’s National Indigenous Peoples Day Message 2024" href="/news/moderators-national-indigenous-peoples-day-message-2024">
Despite exhaustion, limited resources, and harsh working conditions, their thoughts occupied with the safety of their own loved ones, DSPR medical teams continue work in the most marginalized areas… continue reading
Screams from under Fire: An Update from Partners in Gaza" href="/news/screams-under-fire-update-partners-gaza"> A young child receives treatment in a medical clinic in Rafah
The United Church writes to Prime Minister Trudeau: To defend and protect the sanctity of international law, Canada must implement an immediate, binding and comprehensive arms trade embargo on Israel
United Church Calls for Arms Embargo on Israel" href="/news/united-church-calls-arms-embargo-israel"> A graphic with the words Arms Embargo Now
Jubilant crowd rings in Centennial year with a reflective and joyful worship service at Metropolitan United Church in Toronto.
99th Anniversary Service, “Seeds for Our Future,” Kicks Off Centennial Year" href="/news/99th-anniversary-service-seeds-our-future-kicks-centennial-year">
Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimages build political will, MPs tell church leaders during meetings on May 22. Ecumenical effort urged all parties to take stronger, more decisive action.
Six denominations unite their efforts for a just and lasting peace" href="/news/six-denominations-unite-their-efforts-just-and-lasting-peace">
Moderator Carmen Lansdowne is the featured speaker at The United Church of Canada Centennial launch at Metropolitan United Church in Toronto on Sunday.
Livestreamed service launches Centennial year on June 9, 2024" href="/news/livestreamed-service-launches-centennial-year-june-9-2024"> Hundreds of people fill an arena in a black and white photo from 1925.
Moderator Carmen Lansdowne reminds us that, with homophobia and transphobia on the rise across the globe, our call to fiercely celebrate the great diversity that God loved into being is more… continue reading
Moderator’s Pride Message 2024" href="/news/moderators-pride-message-2024">
Our quarterly worship periodical, Gathering, is a resource by and for worship planners and leaders. This year, Gathering marks 50 years of being a print magazine.
Gathering magazine celebrates 50 years of being in print " href="/news/gathering-magazine-celebrates-50-years-being-print"> Collage art of cross, dove, earth and 50th logo