For Earth Week 2023, The United Church of Canada is pleased to share our new 2021–2022 Sustainability Report! This year’s Earth Day theme is Invest in our Planet, and we are excited to share highlights of the work our faith communities have been doing over the past two years—a demonstration of how deeply invested we are in caring for God’s Creation. The fruits of these efforts are being shared and celebrated as faith communities participate in Together for the Love of Creation: Earth Week 2023—praying, learning and acting for climate justice.
The United Church of Canada is committed to climate, ecological, and social justice, and to deepening our integrity by working to mend our world. We are a church that seeks to restore the balance of God’s created order. The latest reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change at the United Nations make it clear that the time for bold action is now. In the biblical tradition, the prophets often called us to repent of our wrongdoings with urgency—and we must lift up that prophetic voice and insist that we do what we know is right to preserve life on this planet.
Since our 2019–2020 Sustainability Report, we have adopted a bold new emissions reduction target from the previous 80% reduction by 2050 to 80% emissions reduction by 2030.
We have included a new pillar called "Responding to Climate Impact" in addition to the previous three pillars: Putting our House in Order, Raising our Spirited Voices, and Connecting with the Earth.
Our second Sustainability Report is a testament to our dedication, resilience, and creativity in problem-solving. A small sampling of how we are correcting wrongs, lightening the way we walk in Creation, and healing our planet together, it reflects the hope we share for human prosperity and dignity in a flourishing web of life.
The 2021–2022 Sustainability Report, featuring communities of faith across the country deepening climate integrity, is available in the Downloads, below.
- 2021–2022 Sustainability Report (10.87 MB) (PDF)