Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.

Alydia Smith is the editor of the new United Church Lenten devotional,

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An Interview with Lent Book Editor Alydia Smith" href="/blogs/round-table/interview-lent-book-editor-alydia-smith"> Editor Aylida Smith, displays the new Lenten book "Why I Believe."

Foreign ministers from 20 nations are meeting in Vancouver on January 16 to discuss…

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Why I Am Joining Women Peacemakers in Vancouver" href="/blogs/round-table/why-i-am-joining-women-peacemakers-vancouver"> Women mobilize for peace in Korea, gathered around a large multi-coloured fabic during a demonstration.

On November 21, 2017, 12 United Church delegates participated in a day-long event on Parliament Hill, in recognition of the UN's Universal Children's Day.…

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Bread Not Stones at Parliament Hill" href="/blogs/round-table/bread-not-stones-parliament-hill"> Senators and MPs with their Dolls of Hope

A United Church minister who doesn’t like guns and who describes himself as a pacifist recently received the…

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Chaplain Honoured for “Service above Self”" href="/blogs/round-table/chaplain-honoured-service-above-self"> The Rev. Jim Short, in military fatigues, prepares for pastoral visitation in a war zone, as he heads out with a convoy to visit the troops at various forward operating bases and strong points in Afghanistan.

While at the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2 Spirits in Maliotenam, Quebec, I heard many families express relief and…

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MMIWG: Confronting Injustice at the Quebec Inquiry " href="/blogs/round-table/mmiwg-confronting-injustice-quebec-inquiry"> An altar at the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls hearing in Maliotenam, Quebec.

As the season of Advent began, I found myself singing the song, “Come Down Jesus” made famous by…

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Jesus, You Won’t Believe the Things You'll See Today" href="/blogs/round-table/jesus-you-wont-believe-things-youll-see-today"> A pair of hands of a person praying in the sun by the sea.

Setsuko Thurlow, a long-time United Church member who is also a survivor of the 1945 atomic…

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From Hiroshima to the Nobel Peace Prize" href="/blogs/round-table/hiroshima-nobel-peace-prize"> United Church member Setsuko Thurlow, during nuclear disarmament negotiations, turning toward the camera.

The band U2 has some inspiring lyrics in their songs, and the song “Grace” is one of the best. Grace is a…

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A Giving Prayer Inspired by Grace" href="/blogs/round-table/giving-prayer-inspired-grace"> A selfie taken by Ruth Noble

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated annually on December 3. This year,…

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Finding Hope in Disability" href="/blogs/round-table/finding-hope-disability"> Group of attendees at Gathering Together

Growing up in Southwestern Ontario, I always knew that I had been adopted and I took pride in that. My parents assured me that they loved me so

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For Me, the Holiday Season is about Healing" href="/blogs/round-table/me-holiday-season-about-healing"> Rev. Evan Smith (on the right), with two others, leads the Daamishkooziimin Indigenous Adoptees Circle.