A listing of recently published prayers

Prayer after a Loved One Has Died by Medical Means

For the loved ones of someone who has died.

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International Day for the Eradication of Poverty Prayer

The "Lateral Thinkers" (a group in Victoria, BC) wrote this prayer collectively for The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty: Rev. Keith Howard, Rev…

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Prayer for Food Security

A prayer for World Food Day by Alydia Smith

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Memorial Prayer for Children of This Land

A prayer for the launch of the memorial register honouring children who died at residential schools (TRC Call to Action 72) on September 30, 2019.

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As We Faithfully Participate in the Democratic Process

A prayer for the 2019 Federal Election

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Help to Reawaken Our Love for Creation

A prayer for the Fridays for Future Climate Strike movement by Alydia Smith.

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Destructive Winds and Raging Rains

A prayer by Alydia Smith for those affected by Hurricane Dorian.

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A Pilgrim Blessing

A prayer for pilgrims that could also be used for Vocation Sunday.

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To Root Out Quiet Racism

A prayer for March 21 by the Right Rev. Richard Bott. 

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A Pilgrim's Prayer

A prayer offered for United Church youth, young adults, and leaders on their way to the Rendez-vous gathering in Montreal.

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