Eternal Creator,

Bless the lands of Atlantic Canada who are bearing the enormous strength of Hurricane Fiona,

bless the people and beings who love these lands and call them home.

With your help and guidance, may we work to:

    Protect the vulnerable and those most affected by the ragging rainfall, flash floods and damaging winds;

    Strengthen those who are able to offer physical, emotional and spiritual aid; and

    Support communities of faith throughout the regions of Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters, First Dawn Eastern Edge, Regional Council 15, and Nakonha:ka who serve the people and the land long after the storm has passed.

As a mother hen comforts and protects her young from the dangers of life,

gather us, who are scattered by Hurricane Fiona, in love,

and like a loving parent, grant us true wisdom so that we may we shield each other from the unimaginable powers of nature.
