Opening/Closing Date: January 1, 2025 to February 1, 2025


Pilgrim in Mission | Between May-September, 2025 | Fully Funded |  

The United Church of Canada invites United Church of Canada individuals interested in learning about global partners and the Global Partnership Program to apply to the Pilgrimage of Learning initiative, comprising of 4 delegations each visiting one (1) partnership region (Latin America & the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and the Middle East) between May and September, 2025.  

Are you interested in engaging with global partners in their own contexts to witness first-hand the mutuality of partnership? About the rich history of Mission & Service partners, and the priorities that they are addressing?

Join this pilgrimage to intentionally live into The United Church of Canada’s commitment to Mutual Radical Accompaniment and to decolonizing the church’s participation in global partnership.  The 4 delegations will identify key factors that contribute to the Global Partnership Program’s sustainability, including financial, operational and strategic aspects. They will also develop recommendations for a sustainable model that ensures The United Church of Canada’s Global partnership program’s long-term viability and impact. You will get to know other individuals who are passionate about global partnership through a decolonizing lens, and who are committed to amplify partner voices in their local communities of faith and governance structures of The United Church.

You will get to know global partners in a deeper, intentional way in the partner’s contexts, hearing about and experiencing some of the pressing issues that they face which may relate to climate change, gender equality, Indigenous rights and solidarity, militarism, and food insecurity.

Church in Mission staff will work with selected participants from across Canada, gathering first virtually over 2 online sessions (2-3 hours each -see details below) and then live and in-person in global partner contexts for 10-12 days (not inclusive of travel). Participants will travel with their delegation, comprised of 4-5 individuals, with a debrief session upon return.


Two 3-hour Virtual Orientation Sessions: March and April 2025
In Global Partner Region Program: 10-12 days between May and September 2025. Please see updated dates below
Africa: TBC
Asia: May 2025 (exact dates TBC)
Latin America & the Caribbean: June 2025 (exact dates TBC)
Middle East: May 4-18 inclusive of travel (TBC)
Debrief Virtual Sessions: September 2025

Participants costs will be covered by the General Council Office of The United Church of Canada


  • Be a Canadian Citizen aged 18+
  • Have a demonstrated commitment to, and engagement in, The United Church of Canada (locally, regionally and/or nationally)
  • Be concerned about and interested in global partnership
  • Committed to all Pilgrimage Orientation, Pre- and Post- program expectations
  • Willingness to speak to United Church groups about the experience and its impact
  • Willingness to participate in advocacy initiatives and community awareness building on regional partner issues locally and nationally


  • Decolonizing Accompaniment: To engage in radical accompaniment through regional visits to global partners, led by Indigenous and global South leaders, to explore intersectional, shared priorities and decolonizing approaches to partnership, recognizing that "the earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world and all who live in it" (Psalm 24:1). 
    links for reference:
  • Witnessing Decolonized Priorities: To witness and learn from global partners as they engage their priorities, differentiated and shared with The United Church of Canada, with communities in their local contexts.  to recognize and honour the agency and leadership of global partners, acknowledging that "to whom much is given, much is required" (Luke 12:48).
  • Deepening Mutuality in Decolonizing Partnerships: To deepen experiential knowledge of living partnerships  within  governance structures of The United Church of Canada, understanding the historical and ongoing impacts of colonialism and mission in partner contexts; and seeking to decolonize partnerships and relationships, with a commitment to accountability and stewardship, recognizing our accountability to God and  to global partnership commitments and principles.
  • Discerning The United Church’s responsibilities in decolonizing Global Partnerships: To discern and strengthen global partnerships in growth in and of the church, visible also in global migrant communities of faith in Canada, deepen spirituality and discipleship through engaging the complexities and nuances of global partnerships; and seeking to decolonize and   redistribute power in decision-making processes that impact global partners, with a commitment to increased transparency, mutual accountability, and shared responsibility.
  • Intentional Engagement and Advocacy: To intentionally engage with governance and advocacy upon return, developing and strengthening leadership and solidarity, and to integrate learnings into their spaces in the structures of The United Church of Canada, recognizing the importance of prophetic witness and advocacy in promoting justice and accountability.
  • Integration and Recommendations: After witnessing diverse expressions of living partnerships in situ, delegates will integrate learnings into their spaces in the structures of The United Church of Canada, and into mutual discernment of global partnerships into the next centenary, providing recommendations, witness, and testimony to the wider church on how the church lives out the Calls (deep, bold, and daring) globally, with a focus on decolonization, justice, mutuality, accountability, and stewardship.

The pilgrimage will be composed of 4 delegations, reflecting as far as possible The United Church of Canada’s diverse constituency – including gender diversity, young people, Indigenous and Racialized peoples, and ability – all of whom engage various governance bodies in the church, including the Executive of the General Council, Regional Staff, lay and elected members active in their local communities of faith. Regional Global Program Coordinators from the Church in Partnership team, responsible for nurturing the partnerships within the church, will accompany the delegations.

Each delegation seeks to include individuals with the necessary and diverse experiences, skillsets and commitment to participate in this initiative, and to guide and strengthen the church’s engagement with of the breadth and depth of The United Church of Canada’s global partnerships encountered. 

Recognizing that the uniqueness and diversity within the 4 global regions of Mission & Service Partnerships (Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East), the exact composition of each delegation would necessarily be unique. The delegations be comprised of at least 4 individuals who identify as:

  • A member of the Executive of the General Council
  • Youth and Young Adult (between ages 18 to 35)
  • Indigenous
  • Racialized
  • A person living with a disability
  • Francophone
  • Spanish language capacity
  • GCO Unit and/or Regional Staff
  • A member of the Partner Council of The United Church of Canada


  • Participate in writing a report that will be submitted to the November 2025 General Council meeting as The United Church of Canada discerns global partnership in the next 100 years, in mutuality with global partners.
  • Written piece (about 400 words) summarizing the experience, with 5 high-resolution photos and/or social media presence during the visit
  • Minimum of 4 Speaking engagements to United Church of Canada communities of faith to share about the experience
  • Ongoing engagement in advocacy in collaboration with Church in Mission staff 

To Express Interest

The United Church of Canada is encouraging many people to apply. However, spaces are limited, and therefore the General Council Office cannot guarantee participation for all those who express interest. Participation will be confirmed by February 15, 2025.  Applications will be closed by January 31, 2025. Express your interest by submitting this form.

If you apply, please also send an email to People in Partnership, In doing so, you are granting permission for The United Church of Canada to discuss your application and your participation (if accepted) with the selection committee, comprised of General Council Office staff from selection to re-entry and follow up. 

Note: Plans are subject to change in light of climate related weather patterns of each region, and uncertainty due to conflict and insecurity.