Opposing Symbols of Hate in Protests

February 16, 2022

Committing to becoming an actively anti-racist church includes intentionally opposing signs and systems of racism whenever they are displayed in the church and society.

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Leadership Counts Launches!

November 17, 2021

Starting in mid-November many United Church leaders are being invited to participate in Leadership Counts, a voluntary survey of ministry personnel, national committee members, and national and regional council staff.

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Resources to Bring the Children Home

July 22, 2021

The United Church will support research of unmarked graves as an act of reparation.

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Moderator’s Statement on Residential School Burial Sites

July 19, 2021

Statement from the Moderator on residential school burial sites.

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Response to Kamloops Residential School Graves Discovery

June 04, 2021

Message to the people of The United Church of Canada from the Moderator and the Rev. Murray Pruden.

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Kamloops Residential School: A Time for Mourning and Support

May 31, 2021

As news came on May 28, 2021, that the remains of 215 children were found in a mass unmarked grave on the grounds of the former Kamloops Residential School, we entered into a time of mourning for these relatives, their families, and their communities.

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Silence of Canadian Government on Crisis in Haiti Must End

March 09, 2021

Twenty-five Canadian civil society groups including The United Church of Canada have written to Prime Minister Trudeau to call for an end to the government’s complicit silence regarding the social and political crisis in Haiti.

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Apology for Past Adoption Practices

November 19, 2020

The United Church of Canada apologizes for the past practice of separating unmarried mothers from their children in maternity homes.

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Church Makes Historic Declaration to Become Anti-Racist

October 28, 2020

The United Church aspires to become an anti-racist church, creating a new position to help that happen.

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Guide Us to the Sacred Waters

Please join the Aboriginal Ministries Circle in prayer as we try to address the systemic racism that continues to be upheld in systems that are meant to protect us.

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