Mark Laird begins his appointment on March 1, 2024.

The General Council Executive approved the appointment of the Rev. Mark Laird as Regional Council Executive Minister, Western Ontario Waterways, Horseshoe Falls, and Antler River regional councils, at its meeting November 17‒18, 2023.
Mark will begin his new appointment March 1, 2024.
The approval followed the recommendation of the General Secretary and the search team. The selection panel to recruit the new Executive Minister included the presidents of the three regional councils, a member from one of the regional councils, and a senior staff member from the General Council Office.
Mark is a Diaconal Minister and has been serving Drayton United Pastoral Charge since 2015. He has served as President for the Western Ontario Waterways Regional Council, was a member of the General Council Boundaries Commission, and also served as interim Executive Minister for the three regions. Mark brings his love for and experience of the church into his commitment to helping communities of faith engage their ministry.
We welcome Mark and pray for God’s blessings on this new chapter.