Join us in standing up against racism and poverty and for Indigenous and environmental justice.

September is a key month to take action for daring justice! against background of fall leaves.
Credit: Canva
Published On: August 29, 2024

Taking action for justice is an essential part of how we live into our faith at The United Church of Canada. September events are calling for your solidarity! Parliament returns on September 16th, and that week will be a critical time for several justice issues.

September 14 and 15: Migrant Justice Days of Action

Take a stand against racism!

The Minister of Immigration is backtracking on Canada’s commitment to regularize undocumented workers. Now is a critical time to demand that the government prioritize Status for All.

September 18: Grassy Narrows River Run

Take a stand for Indigenous justice!

The people of Grassy Narrows have been fighting for government support to address and remediate one of Canada’s worst environmental poisonings for 50 years. You can show solidarity by joining the River Run and contacting your MP to demand justice.

September 19: Guaranteed Livable Income Bill goes to a critical vote

Take a stand against poverty and help every family put food on their table!

On or around September 19th, Bill C-223 will go to a vote to determine whether it will be studied in a committee or if its progress through Parliament will end now. Sources tell us the vote is at risk of failing and that we need to raise our voices in support.


Please join us in contacting your member of Parliament and other key decision-makers on these vital issues. It is so important that they hear from us in large numbers! Please see Bringing faithful justice to the grill: MP chat sheets for more information and other priority topics, and don’t forget to let us know at  what action you take! 

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