Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.

General Secretary Nora Sanders wonders how much the church is willingly to waive in order to welcome new generations.

Note from Nora: How Open Are We to Transformation?" href="/blogs/round-table/note-nora-how-open-are-we-transformation"> A sign in a store which says "Free Entry" and has an arrow pointing to the left.

Alydia Smith shares an Advent mixtape to enjoy together, as we wait for Christ(mas).

A mixtape made with love to help you prepare for Christmas" href="/blogs/round-table/mixtape-made-love-help-you-prepare-christmas"> Headphones

Kim Uyede-Kai writes from the Asian Ecumenical Women’s Assembly, a “herstorical” assembly where women could hear one another’s stories be given voice, some for the…

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Sharing Our Stories, Claiming Our Names" href="/blogs/round-table/sharing-our-stories-claiming-our-names"> Author Kim Uyede-Kai from the United Church stands with Rev. Ester Damaris Wolla Wunga from Indonesia stand with an assembly banner. Both women are of Asian background, but the "traditional dresses" they are wearing reflect their different cultures.

Rev. Ruth Lumax reflects on how learning to become an intercultural church can help us develop into lush and vibrant communities of faith.

To Bloom for More than a Day" href="/blogs/round-table/bloom-more-day"> A brilliant red-pink bloom of a hibiscus flower on a background of green leaves.

Joshua Fernandes writes that perhaps the most effective way to make change around climate change is to start with the question, “Who do I love?"

Navigating the Climate Crisis through Love" href="/blogs/round-table/navigating-climate-crisis-through-love"> A photo of a nearly full Earth as seen from space. The land masses of Australia and India can be seen, amidst a lot of deep blue ocean and white clouds.

Kathryn Gray muses on how we can be more mindful with gifts this Advent, and not give in to the pressure to shop/consume/shop some more...

Alternative Gift-Giving for a Buy Less Christmas" href="/blogs/round-table/alternative-gift-giving-buy-less-christmas"> Knitting

Kelsi James, United Church of Canada Overseas Personnel in China, writes on her experience of finding authentic community so far from home.

A Hot Pot of Humanity" href="/blogs/round-table/hot-pot-humanity"> The author, a young White woman, balances in a ballet pose holding the shoulder of an elderly Tai Chi master in the streets of Jiuquan, China while amused people look on.

Create an Advent-Christmas season that embraces the gift of God’s presence in Jesus.

Christmas at Home: Time to Celebrate Together" href="/blogs/round-table/christmas-home-time-celebrate-together"> Advent at Home

The Rev. Dr. HyeRan Kim-Cragg reflects on how we can work to fight against antisemitism during Advent.

Getting Ready for Christ(mas): Combatting Anti-Semitism in Advent" href="/blogs/round-table/getting-ready-christmas-combatting-anti-semitism-advent"> Star of David

Aidan Legault, United Church member and young climate activist, offers faithful words of encouragement to renew the weary in the march for ecological justice.

A Prayer for the Weary Climate Activist" href="/blogs/round-table/prayer-weary-climate-activist"> Climate Strike