100 Words of Hope reminding us of God's love and our call to share the Good News in these times.
We're inviting United Church people to share "100 Words of Hope" that draw from deep spirituality to speak to these moments of high anxiety and change in the church, Canada, and the world.
We invite you to share your own 100-word reflection, poem, or prayer that conveys hope and faith in these times here.
Together, we can inspire each other to live out the call of the church to deep spirituality, bold discipleship, and daring justice. We are not alone.
A Season of Purpose and Radical Welcome
We are in a season where we need to remember what we do matters. We know how to feed people – physically, emotionally and spiritually. We know how to be safe-haven for the dis-placed and show radical welcome to a lonely world. We know how to advocate for justice for the vulnerable and marginalized and be places of inclusion for the outcast and wondering. It's time to proclaim we are responding to simple, core beliefs and actions that keep us grounded and faithful to Jesus’ ministry and message. It’s in our United Church DNA, and the world needs us now.
—Rev. Katherine Brittain is a member of General Council Executive and a mom and a minister serving on southern Vancouver Island.
Stillness in a Loud World
When we wake up each day we enter into the din
Our home, our places, our nation.
It deafens us at every turn, on every platform, exponentially by the din of other’s imposed upon us.
It is overwhelming.
What are we to do? Will covering our ears allow escape?
Nay, the answer lies in the sitting and the listening.
Listening for that which cannot, at first, be heard.
Sitting until the din is hushed
When all we can hear is the still small voice
Which whispers words of love and hope and reassurance
That “I AM” is with us always.
—John Neff, Westminster United Church, Orangeville, ON
Healing through Mourning
Without hope for the coming world after this world, how we could endure this world!
Without love in this world before the next world, how we could transform this world!
Without faith beyond this world, how we could walk in the darkness moving forward to the world inside of us!
All healings come from good mournings as all the nights will be filled with peace.
—Sung Ran Kim, Alpha Korean United Church, Toronto, ON
The views contained within these blogs are personal and do not necessarily reflect those of The United Church of Canada.