Easter Prayer from the Indigenous Church: The Rev. Murray Pruden, Executive Minister of the Indigenous Ministries and Justice Unit, offers this prayer from the Indigenous church. Please share.
Moderator's Easter Message 2024: In her Easter message, Moderator Carmen Lansdowne’s hope for the church is that we will know that even in our deepest grief the risen Christ will show up, call us by name, and remind us that this is not the end of our story.
Plan to Strengthen Invitation This Easter(36.51 KB)(Word): Tips and ideas on creating an authentic invitation to join in your community’s life of faith this Easter.
In Your Rising: A Lenten prayer from Why I Believe: Daily Devotions on Faith & Discipleship.
It’s time to start thinking about Easter invitation planning. These steps can help develop your culture of invitation and invite friends and neighbours to join you this Easter Sunday.
In her Easter message, Moderator Carmen Lansdowne’s hope for the church is that we will know that even in our deepest grief the risen Christ will show up, call us by name, and remind us that this is not the end of our story.
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